Budget according to Government Functions 2022 planning

Open Data Albania is researching on government expenditures planned for 2022, according to functional classification. Analyzing expenditures by function can show government priorities and challenges, and focus over the years. The data are taken from the accompanying tables of Law no. 115, dated 25.11.2021 for the 2022 Budget. In total, there are ten public functions which are guaranteed by the state. For 2022, about 480…

Public Debt Stock January 2022, Performance 2000-2022

Open Data Albania is researching the performance of the Public Debt Stock in Albania from 2000 to 2022. Data for this research were obtained from the Ministry of Finance and Economy, the Institute of Statistics, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. For 2022, annual data are planned and reported in the Reports of State Authorities. For 2022, the stock of Public Debt is…

Public Expenditure by Function Per Capita, Comparative Analyses Albania versus EU countries

Open Data Albania is researching the distribution of public money based on Functions in the State Budget by comparing per capita expenditures in EU countries and the region. This will display the focus of the Governments to the various functions and sectors, as well as government standards in spending on these functions. Government or Budget Functions aim to guarantee the provision of services such as:…

The Election Campaign Period and the Reconstruction Fund, Additional Budget allocated to 11 municipalities as Unconditional Transfers

Open Data Albania is investigating into the Unconditional Transfers allocated to eleven beneficiary municipalities from the Reconstruction Program Fund, focussing on the Unconditional Transfers approved by Decisions of the Council of Ministers during the Electoral Campaign Period 25 March until 25 April 2021. The analysis looked also at pre-election dates from 1 January to 25 April 2021, where such transfers amount to 15 430 836…