Milot – Fier Concession Road Axis Project with Public Private Partnership: Adriatic Ionian Road Corridor AIC

The Albanian state has so far activated the PPP project for the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of the Milot-Fier road axis. This segment is part of the Adriatic Ionian Road Corridor, a strategic project for Southeast Europe, part of the expansion of the Trans-European Transportation Network in the Western Balkans. The corridor stretches from the Croatian border, in Tivar, to the Albanian border with Montenegro,…

Ranking of 30 Major Beneficiaries based on the value of transactions received from the State Treasury, 2019-2022

The companies benefitting large sums of money from the State Treasury throughout the twelve months of 2022 are Shoqëri e Thjeshtë Intekar – ASL,  Kastrati, G.P.G. Company, Gjoka 87 and Salillari. Source: Open Spending Albania Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania Open Data Albania, using well-structured data present in the Open Spending Albania platform, has been identifying and ranking the 30 (thirty) economic operators with…

Concessionary Companies, funds collected from the State Treasury, January 1st to December 31, 2022

Open Data Albania is ranking the concession businesses, otherwise known as Private and Public Partnerships, based on the size of the funds  benefited from the State Treasury throughout 2022. During this year, ALL 9.73 billion were distributed to concession companies directly from the budget. There are a few concessions, which are paid through Public Funds that, are not listed here, such as three concessions in…

Domestic Electricity Production based on the Producing Entity, January – August 2022

Open Data is probing into the domestic net production of Electricity data, regarding both Public and Private Producers, as well as Concessionair companies. The data was extracted from the Energy Regulatory Entity (ERE) Electricity Market Reports for the January-August 2022 period. Currently, domestic electricity production consists of two main components: The production carried out by companies with state capital, like KESH sh.a. and Lanabregas sh.a.,…

Financial Data concerning PPP Concessionary Businesses with budget support. 2021 vs 2020 comparison

Open Data Albania is studying the Turnover, Gross Profit Margin for 13 Businesses that implement concessionary projects or Public Private Partnerships, supported from the State Budget. Out of 13 concessionary PPP companies, that implement concessionary projects with budget support, only 9 of them have submitted and published the Financial Statements for 2021, in line with the existing legal requirements. Until October 2022, 4 of them…

PPP Concfession Contracts Contingent Liabilities over the 2015-2021 period

Open Data Albania is examining the value and performance over the years of contingent liabilities deriving from PPP Concessions. These contingencies are classified as ‘Off’ the Government Balance Sheet. This indicator will also help us determine its ratio or weight against the Gross Domestic Product GDP. In 2020, a comparative analysis outlined on the Article about Contingent Liabilities for PPP, published by Open Data Albania,…

The assistance, through Loans, of Concessions and PPP’s with Budgetary Support from the Banking Sector

Open Data Albania is researching the level of bank crediting for PPP Concessions with financial support from the State Budget. Among 13 PPP concessions with financial support from the State Budget, it emerges that 6 of them have been financed in significant amounts from the Banking Sector. For two of these concession contracts, there is no information about the amount loaned from the Banking Sector.…

Infrastructure and National Roads built through Public-Private Partnership and State Budgetary support

Open Data Albania is appraising the value of investment and budget support for Public-Private Partnership Contracts, concerning the construction of National Roads and Infrastructural Works. There are 6 concession contracts in the sector of public works – National Road Infrastructure. Five of them enjoy direct support from the State Budget and the remaining is conditioned by Guaranteed State Traffic. The Full Value of Road Infrastructure…

PPP incinerators, Financial Support from the State Budget over the years, 2015-2024

Open Data Albania is conducting a research regarding the financial support that the State Budget provided, over the years, for PPP Concession Contracts in the Waste Management sector. More specifically, the following ones: 1. Building of the landfill, incinerator and rehabilitation of existing landfills in Tirana, implemented by Integrated Energy BV SPV sh.p.k. 2. Building, operation and transfer of the incinerator for the processing urban…

Concessions and Public Private Partnerships (PPP) planned in 2022

Open Data is researching new government plans for Concessions and Public Private Partnerships PPP for 2022. The data were obtained from the Ministry of Finance and Economy from the Draft Law on Budget 2022, which was sent for approval to the Assembly. Seven new Concessions or PPPs worth about ALL 214.5 billion or EUR 1.75 billion are planned for 2022, thus constituting about 11% of…

90% of the maritime transported goods are processed in the Port of Durrës

Open Data Albania is investigating into the volume of transported goods at Port of Durrës. The need for investigation is related to the decision of the Albanian Government to terminate the existence of Durrës Port as a Merchants Port, transforming its territory into a luxury residential area and a port for vessels for individual use only. The data provided by the Institute of Statistics have…

Concessions and PPPs as Contingent Liabilities out of Government Balance Sheet, 2020, Albania and EU Countries

Open Data is researching contingent or potential liabilities to the State Budget arising from Contracts and Public Partnership Agreements and PPPs that the Albanian state has with third parties. Contingent Liabilities (conditioned and potential) are recognized in Public Finance as liabilities related to State Guarantees; Concessions classified outside the current government balance; liabilities of Publicly Owned Companies; Problematic Government Debts; Judicial Decisions and Arbitration. Eurostat…

PPP Concessions Jurisdiction for the settlement of Disputes of the Parties 2017-2020

Open Data Albania is researching the jurisdiction for resolving disputes that may be encountered during the implementation of Concession Contracts or Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) drafted in the last four years, January 2017 – December 2020. The jurisdiction consists of the Court, the Arbitration Chamber or the Institution designated in advance as the Institution where the parties will be referred for review and adjudication in…

Source of Investment and Ministerial Portfolio for PPP January 2017 – March 2021

Open Data Albania is classifying Public Private Partnership (PPP) Concessions by type of Investment, i.e. supported by the state budget or private parties. The classification is being done for PPPs approved in the four-year period 1 January 2017 to March 2021. Also in this article are listed PPPs according by Head of the Contracting Authority during the period of evaluation, negotiation and signing of concession…

Sectoral Division Concessions and PPPs approved during 2017 – 2020

Open Data Albania is researching on Sectoral Division for Concessions and Public-Private Partnership (PPPs) approved in Albania during the period January 2017 – December 2020. The article identifies the number and value of investment, specifying the Institutional Sector and the Sectoral Category. The data are from the PPP Concession Register database published on the portal. During the period January 2017 until December 2020, 24…