Renegotiation of PPP Concession Contracts, Additions and Amendments January 2017 – April 2021

Open Data Albania is researching on Concession and Public Private Partnership PPP contracts terminated or repealed during the period January 2017- April 2021.  The renegotiation coincides with the Amendment of the Contract or Concession Agreement. Such changes made by renegotiation may affect elements such as the Object, Parties, Terms, Conditions, or the Value of the Contract. In certain cases, changes and renegotiations may affect more…

Repeals and Termination of PPP Concession Contracts 2017-2021

Open Data Albania is researching on Concession and Public Private Partnership PPP contracts terminated or repealed during the period January 2017- April 2021.  In this four-year period that the concession activity is being analyzed, it turns out that there are five concession contracts or Public Private Partnerships that have been finally abrogated or terminated. Their termination has come for various reasons and has been done…

PPP Concession Businesses, Ranked by Income and Profit, Top 10 for the year of 2019

Open Data Albania is researching on the Financial Performance of companies that implement concessionary contracts or Public Private Partnerships (PPP), year 2019. Financial Performance Indicators are part of the Company’s Financial Statements, they include Annual Income and Profit Before Tax. For 2019, 249 PPP or concessionary companies have been active. There are also 14 PPP companies which are Suspended, 7 companies have the status of…

Planed PPP concessionary costs on taxpayers, 2018-2023

Open Data Albania is looking into the state budget costs for Private Public Partnership  concessions (PPP) covered by public funds for the period 2018-2023. The article identifies the planned payments year after year; and provides an overview of progress made through the years by concessionary companies. This investigation is based on the Budget Report accompanying the Annual Budget Law. The six-year period (2018-2023) under review…

PPP companies with budgetary support by their controlling package in the Albanian or Foreign Trade Register

Open Data Albania is investigating PPP concessions with public financing from the state budget for 2021, identifying those that have stock control packages abroad. This investigation makes use of the data about the companies responsible for implementing PPP concessionary agreements and contracts, information published on the Open Corporate Albania portal, under the Concessionary Companies section. For each company, the portal shall identify which business register…

2021 Budget Public Costs envisioned for Private Public Partnership (PPP) Concessions

Open Data Albania is investigating the costs envisioned to be paid for Private Public Partnerships (PPP) or concessions, covered by the 2021 state budget. The article conducts an analysis of the concessionary PPP contracts that are active in 2021 and the costs envisioned for each of these contracts for the period 2018-2023. In 2021, according to the Explanatory Report of Law No. 137, the 16.12.2020…