Top 10 Businesses ranked based on the value of State Treasury Transactions registered in 2023
Top 10 Businesses ranked based on the value of State Treasury Transactions registered in 2023

Open Data Albania is publishing a list businesses benefiting the most from the State Treasury Transactions during the 12 months of 2023. Exempted from the examination are payments with state institutions as beneficiaries or payments towards second tier banks. Likewise excluded are that category of transactions that comprises a transfer towards a publicly owned company. During 2023 as much as 282 103 transactions towards budgetary…

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Treasury Transaction is a service provided by AIS for ensuring information, transparency, and civic monitoring and accountability. Such service enables taxpayers to learn how their tax money is spent by their government and public institutions. The main source for such data is the Expenditure System of the Treasury Central Office. The information provided by AIS through its two portals, Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania, contains all details about every payment, and treasury transaction carried out by the 1600 budgetary institutions in the country starting from January 2012.

Access to Information on Justice, and the integrity and promotion of individuals in the justice system.Data and documents on the justice system after the Reform. The new Access to Justice Info database aims at enhancing the integrity of processes and institutions through a data mine (base) and information made available to the public and journalists. Similarly, the website contains also a profile for every prosecutor , judge or member of the new justice institutions. The profile aims to provide easy to find documents on the education, professional experience, qualifications, promotion, vetting, self-declarations, and any other documents linked to new individuals in the system.

Following Open Local Government Procurement Program OpenLGP, that started its implementation in November 2015, this project is opening data for each procedure of public procurement of the 61 municipalities for one more year (in total, the database will be enriched with data for the two first years of the 61 municipalities, i.e. 2015 – 2017) and update procurement data already registered.

Creation of instruments that facilitate the finding, use, and visibility of the information about the distribution of public contracts by contractors/clients.eIncrease the capacity of local journalists in reporting on the dictribution of the public contracts by clients.e Identification of the distribution of public contracts (public money) by client’s gender.


» Economy» Health» Gender Relations
» Demography» Corporates» Treasury Transactions
» Public Spending» Criminalization» Electoral Process
» Concessions/ PPP » Local Government Municipalities» Trade Exchanges
» Region» Reconstruction Program» Education
» Energy Sector» Electoral Spending» Innovation