Quality of air- NO2 dhe SO2 Indicators

Air pollutants may be dust particles, chemicals or biological materials which have negative effects over human organisms, environment or atmosphere. Some of the most important groups of quality of air indicators are: Ø  SO2, NOx and NH3 (amoniac), which cause the acid rains;Ø  CO2, CH4 (methane) and NO2, which are related to the gas emmissions ;Ø  PM10, LNP, which show the level of solid particles…

Indicators of the professor qualifications and employment in the ranking of universities

Despite the many critics of the University Ranking System, its conclusions draw attention over some interesting issues. First, if we consider the indicator of the pedagogical staff, considered one of the most important, we will notice that in the three evaluated amajors (economy, law, and nursery) 40% of the cases result with low level pedagogical staff. This means that the Institutions of Higher Education that…

Number of Broadband Internet Contracts

The Broadband connection is one of the ways to use the internet. This indicator includes the contracts which enable the consumers to secure internet connection through: a modem which is attached to a cable transmission network, DSL technology (Digital Subscriber Line), other users of broadband or dedicated analogue lines. A characteristic of this system is that clients pay for high speed internet, generally above 256…

Quality of Air-Presence of pollutants PM10 and LNP

PM10 and LNP are two of the most important indicators of the quality of air. They express the level of the solid particles in the air. PM10 (Particulate Matter) is a mixture of liquid and solid particles that stay in the air, with a diameter smaller than 10 micrometers. The main source is the gas released by the automobiles, especially the ones with diesel engines.…

The price of drinking water over the years and a comparison with the costs

Assessing the prices is the prerogative of the Water Regulatory Entity (WRE). Open Data Albania (ODA) has completed a study on the average price assessed on individuals, private companies and government institutions during 2008-2011. It must be noted that prices vary from one local unit to another, therefore in order to complete the study an average has been taken into account.   Source: General Directory…

Carbon Dioxide(CO2) Emission

Side effects of CO2 Carbon Dioxide is the main reason for global warming. It is released from the burning of oil, coal and natural gas and these are the main sources for its presence in the air. In the alst 50 years its concentration has increased continuously all over the world by an average of 3%/year. After it is released in the atmosphere it stays…

Indicators of the level of collection of the billed and measured water

The level of collection is one of the most important financial indicators for each activity. It provides information on the percentage of the value of invoices received within a certain period. The performance of this indicator has not been satisfactory over the years. The chart below shows the collection level of individuals, private companies and government institutions.The latter’s indicator is sometimes 100 %, which refer…

Quality of beaches –Fecal Coliforms and Intestinal Enterococcus Indicators

Albania is a country blessed with a coastline of 316 kilometres, where there are a lot of sandy and rocky beaches making it one of the preferred choices over the summer holidays. However, rapid urban development have contributed not a little on its purity. Ionian and Adriatic Sea are nowadays hosts of urban discharges, industrial, agricultural or livestock.  In these seas the level of pesticides…

Budget of Ministry of Defense in years

According to the definition given by NATO, military spending are all capital and current expenditures made for the armed forces, including peacekeeping forces, the Ministry of Defense and other government agencies engaged in defense projects, pre-military forces (if they are trained and equipped with means for military operations) and military air activities. These expenditures include: salaries and wages for military and civilian workers, social support…

Applicants from Kosovo in Datathon Day in Tirana 2011

Open Datathon Albania – Hackathon Day in Tirana 2011 raised high interest in the intelligent and creative youth community in the Republic of Albania and even broader, in the Republic of Kosovo. One of the competitors of Hackathon Day in Tirana 2011, Besford Guri, brought in this activity a very interesting model of GeoData use. Albania’s demographic map raised considerable interest in the last two…

Albanian First Eurobond and his performance since issuance

Republic of Albania issued its first Eurobonds in the International financial markets on the 4 November 2010. Eurobond is a financial instrument which has a maturity more than one year and is traded in international financial markets, which mean outside the national boundaries of the state that make the issuance. This financial instrument is similar in terms of structure to the Albanian government bonds issued…

HIV and AIDS infected during the period 1993-2010

AIDS is classified as one of the most problematic diseases in recent years. In the absence of a cure, its prevention remains the best protection from it. AIDS can strike anyone, young adults but also children. Globally, it is ranked at second place as cause of death of the age group of 20-24 years and the first in the United States for the death of…

Kosovo, a good example in the region for women’s representation in Parliament

Number of seats held by women in the National Assembly held by women is a simple indicator which is calculated as the ratio of female representatives to the total number of representatives. Since the National Assembly can be either unicameral or bicameral, in order to calculate this indicator we have used the percentage of women in the unicameral assembly, or the lower chamber of the…

Solid Scraps and Inerts over the years

General Look Solid waste management is one the most acute issues today. The continuous increase of consumption, population migration, and the overall economic development, not matched with a careful administration of the waste have turned those into a source of environment pollution and various diseases. Albania recylces a very small part of the solid waste, another small part is buried and most of it is deposited…

General outlook of the environmental situation in Albania

For several years now, Albania has been undergoing vibrant urban developments, which has at the same time had a considerable impact on the environment. Consumption and transport growth, urban waste, inerts, sewerage finding its way to the sea or river, uncontrolled chopping of the forests, digging into the basins of the rivers, tire burning, construction without proper planning are only some of the byproducts of…