Contributors to the Social Security Scheme by Category 2006 – 2013

Open Data Albania is exploring on the number of contributors to the social security scheme in the years 2006-2013. Social security scheme is compulsory for all employed individuals, but other individuals can also be part of it through voluntary insurance scheme. The average number of contributors per year has had its fluctuations from 2006 to 2013, mostly influenced by the ups and downs in the…

Trade Deficit in the Republic of Kosovo and Albania, exports and imports by country 2005-2013

Open Data Albania has conducted a research related to exports and imports by countries and the balance of trade in the years 2005-2013 in the Republic of Kosovo. The Balance of Trade measures the difference between the value of exports and imports of an economy. Exports represent the value of all goods and services sold abroad, while imports represent the value of all goods purchased…