Reserves of Gold Per Capita, Republic of Kosovo vs the Republic of Albania 2009-2013

Open Data Albania has carried out a research on the gold reserves in Kosovo during the period 2009-2013. If we refer to quantitative terms, for the gold reserves in Kosovo, the amount calculated according to the measurement unit ounce, has declined in the years 2009-2012, respectively from 7,868 to 5,017 ounces. In 2013, this amount has increased compared to the previous year marking 6,831 ounces.…

Subjects licensed by the Central Bank of Kosovo 2010-2013

Open Data Albania has conducted a research on the number of financial entities that are licensed by the Central Bank of Kosovo in 2010-2013. Financial entities that are licensed by this Bank are Commercial Banks, Pension Funds, Insurance Companies, Microfinance Institutions, Non-Bank Financial Institutions, money transfer offices, insurance intermediaries and foreign exchange offices. Commercial banks are banks that accept cash deposits or other repayable funds…

External Debt of the Republic of Kosovo in 2013

Open Data Albania has carried out a research on the External Debt of the Republic of Kosovo as an important part of the indicators of the Public Debt. Public debt, which is issued in the country and held by non-residents is called external debt. The External debt consists mainly in bilateral or multilateral financing agreements with international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund,…