Exchange rate of GBP, EUR, CHF and USD currencies against ALL during 2015

Open Data Albania is updating the information regarding the exchange rates for such currencies as the British Pound, GBP, EUR, CHF, Swiss Franc and US Dollar, USD, against Albanian ALL during 2015, according to the official rate of the Bank of Albania. In a country with a small and opened economy as Albania, ALL exchange rate plays an important role in the price level and…

Women’s representation in the Assembly, 1 January 2016

Open Data Albania is updating data on the representation of women in Parliament. On 1 January 2016, the Albanian Parliament had thirty-one female deputies. A year ago, the Parliament had only 26 deputies and the rate of their participation in the Assembly was 18.6%.  On January 1, 2016 the participation rate of women in the parliament was 22.14%. Fifteen female deputies are currently representing the…