AIS denounces the Municipality of Tirana for Lack of Transparency over Beneficiaries of the Reconstruction Fund during the Electoral Campaign

The Non-Governmental Organization, AIS/Open Data Albania, addressed on 25 May 2021 the Commissioner for the Right to Information, complaining about the Municipality of Tirana. The complaint against this municipality follows the latter’s refusal to publish the decisions of the Municipality Council on the “List of names of beneficiaries from the Reconstruction Fund” for the dates corresponding with the 2021 electoral campaign. AIS addressed the Municipality…

Tracing of tenders related to the Natural Disaster of Covid -19, AIS database as an independent monitoring mechanism

AIS has traced tenders carried out by health institutions in the country, creating a database with information on tenders’ procedures, purchases, performance, and status. The database enables transparency and tracing of contracts signed for: Medications –  Equipment – Protective Gears – Medical Oxygen – or Purchases of Vaccines – The data are listed by type of procedure and institution. Tracing, transparency, and accountability take particular importance in…

Open Data Albania in Media, Week from 2 to 10 May, Reconstruction Fund, Its use in the Electoral Campaign

Data published by Open Data Albania portal and the blog were referred to in the first week of May as a factual source for several media stories and articles. The main topic in the media is the potential use of the Reconstruction Program Fund after the earthquake of 26 November 2019. During the Election Campaign, March 25 to April 25, was spending 30% of…

The Election Campaign Period and the Reconstruction Fund, Additional Budget allocated to 11 municipalities as Unconditional Transfers

Open Data Albania has investigated into the Unconditional Transfers allocated to eleven Beneficiary Municipalities from the Reconstruction Program Fund, focusing on the Unconditional Transfers approved by Decisions of the Council of Ministers (DCM) during the Electoral Campaign Period 25 March until 25 April 2021. The analysis looked also at pre-election dates from 1 January to 25 April 2021 Article: The budget transfer for eleven municipalities…

The Election Campaign Period and the Reconstruction Fund, Additional Budget allocated to 11 municipalities as Unconditional Transfers

Open Data Albania is investigating into the Unconditional Transfers allocated to eleven beneficiary municipalities from the Reconstruction Program Fund, focussing on the Unconditional Transfers approved by Decisions of the Council of Ministers during the Electoral Campaign Period 25 March until 25 April 2021. The analysis looked also at pre-election dates from 1 January to 25 April 2021, where such transfers amount to 15 430 836…

Covid-19 vaccination, first payment of 10 million USD about to be made for the Chinese vaccine

10 million USD, the Albanian Government approves the first payment for the Turkish distributor of Sinovax, made by the People’s Republic of China. Turkish Distributor announces lack of supply of Chinese made and packaged vaccines. Purchase Agreement changed. The Albanian Government agrees to the Chinese Vaccine packaged in Turkey, Coronavac 600SU/IM- Suspension. 14 April 2021, the Government allocates an additional 2 billion Albanian leke from…