Source of Investment and Ministerial Portfolio for PPP January 2017 – March 2021

Open Data Albania is classifying Public Private Partnership (PPP) Concessions by type of Investment, i.e. supported by the state budget or private parties. The classification is being done for PPPs approved in the four-year period 1 January 2017 to March 2021. Also in this article are listed PPPs according by Head of the Contracting Authority during the period of evaluation, negotiation and signing of concession…

Sectoral Division Concessions and PPPs approved during 2017 – 2020

Open Data Albania is researching on Sectoral Division for Concessions and Public-Private Partnership (PPPs) approved in Albania during the period January 2017 – December 2020. The article identifies the number and value of investment, specifying the Institutional Sector and the Sectoral Category. The data are from the PPP Concession Register database published on the portal. During the period January 2017 until December 2020, 24…

Renegotiation of PPP Concession Contracts, Additions and Amendments January 2017 – April 2021

Open Data Albania is researching on Concession and Public Private Partnership PPP contracts terminated or repealed during the period January 2017- April 2021.  The renegotiation coincides with the Amendment of the Contract or Concession Agreement. Such changes made by renegotiation may affect elements such as the Object, Parties, Terms, Conditions, or the Value of the Contract. In certain cases, changes and renegotiations may affect more…

Repeals and Termination of PPP Concession Contracts 2017-2021

Open Data Albania is researching on Concession and Public Private Partnership PPP contracts terminated or repealed during the period January 2017- April 2021.  In this four-year period that the concession activity is being analyzed, it turns out that there are five concession contracts or Public Private Partnerships that have been finally abrogated or terminated. Their termination has come for various reasons and has been done…

PPP Concession Businesses, Ranked by Income and Profit, Top 10 for the year of 2019

Open Data Albania is researching on the Financial Performance of companies that implement concessionary contracts or Public Private Partnerships (PPP), year 2019. Financial Performance Indicators are part of the Company’s Financial Statements, they include Annual Income and Profit Before Tax. For 2019, 249 PPP or concessionary companies have been active. There are also 14 PPP companies which are Suspended, 7 companies have the status of…

Denouncement made to the State Election Commissioner over the Reconstruction Fund being used in Durrës for favoring Electoral Subject

AIS reported to the Election Commissioner on Misuse of Public Money during Elections through Individual Grants from the Reconstruction Fund in the electoral zone of Durrës following the November 2019 earthquake. Such misuse went in favor of the parties in power at the central and local levels, running in these elections. Sixteen months after the earthquake, Unconditional Transfers were allocated to Durrës municipality during the…

Contractor Businesses in the Covid-19 Healthcare Sector, March 2020-May 2021

AIS, implementing organization of Open Data Albania project, is conducting a research about the business contractors in the Health Sector concerning acquisitions of goods and services aiming to help the government cope with the Covid-19 Pandemic. The research included contracts for which the winners were announced, as well as the Treasury Payments executed in their favor, from March 2020 to May 2021. Companies are listed…