In 2022, the Direct Budget Institutions are expected to employ 84 214 (eighty four thousand two hundred and fourteen) people. This is 450 more employees than in 2021. Employees in budgetary institutions include only institutions in which staff costs are covered by State Budget funds. This does not include: Central Bank, or other public sector structures such as state-owned financial and non-financial enterprises, Special Funds…
Ranking by value of the State Treasury beneficiary businesses, 2019-2021 period
In this article, we’ll present the transactions of the State Treasury in Albania and their distribution during the last 3 (three) years. Private companies or economic operators that have benefited the most from payments from the State Budget in this period have been considered. Payments towards state institutions, public companies – owned by ministries, municipalities or other authorities are excluded from this analysis, as well…
Concentration of the Hydrocarbon market in Albania
The analytical team at Open Data Albania is examining the Albanian market of “Fuel and Oil”, to assess whether there is the premise for concentration of one/few operators with a dominant position in the market. To achieve this, we used budgetary market purchases (purchases paid from the State Budget) and state fuel subsidies for farmers as a sample, given that information about the companies open…
Russian exports by main commodity groups, positioning in the international market
Open Data Albania is examining the foreign commercial trade of the Russian Federation based on commodity groups and trading countries. The analysis is being carried out in order to better understand which products may experience shortages in the future either in the international markets or in our country. We will also look what are the major importing countries over the last 3 years, concerning 10…
[Period 16.03.2022 – 20.03.2022] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality
Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the period 16.03.2022 – 20.03.2022, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is: – Vaccination with 3 doses 252 161 Persons– Vaccination with 2 doses 1 209 161 Persons– Vaccination with the First Dose 1 275 907 Persons– …
PPP incinerators, Financial Support from the State Budget over the years, 2015-2024
Open Data Albania is conducting a research regarding the financial support that the State Budget provided, over the years, for PPP Concession Contracts in the Waste Management sector. More specifically, the following ones: 1. Building of the landfill, incinerator and rehabilitation of existing landfills in Tirana, implemented by Integrated Energy BV SPV sh.p.k. 2. Building, operation and transfer of the incinerator for the processing urban…
In this article we are listing the history of exports and imports of the Russian Federation with countries that are already applying trade sanctions and embargoes against her. Countries and Markets are being affected by trade sanctions and this is expected to have further effects in the coming months. On February 24, 2022, shortly after the start of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the European Council…
[Period 01.03.2022 – 15.03.2022] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality
Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the period 01.03.2022 – 15.03.2022, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is: – Vaccination with 3 doses 251 024 Persons– Vaccination with 2 doses 1 208 831 Persons– Vaccination with the First Dose 1 275 463 Persons– …
AIS part of the agreement with The High Inspector Of Justice. The cooperation agreement with 6 Civil Society organizations is signed.
The establishment of a continuous communication between the civil society and the Office of HIJ, was formalized today by signing a cooperation agreement between the High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani and six civil society organizations (CSOs), that are engaged in monitoring justice reform, human rights, transparency, accountability and good governance. The cooperation initiated earlier with the civil society, through the consultation for the…
Decay of Health sector, AIS uncovers: 89% of the funds tendered during the Pandemic, were awarded without race and in lack of competition
Decay of the Health Sector – was the title of the Reportage, produced by Top Story and broadcast on March 9, the date that officially marked two years since the first case with Sars Covid-19 in Albania. In it, journalist Entela Bajramaj and the editorial staff of the program, brought to light facts about the implementation of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contracting during the Pandemic,…
Projection, the date when Albania potentially reaches the level of per capita income of the EU
Open Data Albania is analyzing different projections or scenarios which will try to estimate when will Albania reach the same level of per capita average income with European Union. To establish the potential pessimistic and optimistic projections, we are considering the dynamic changes that the per capita income has undergone in the country. To that end, we’ll be assessing the growth progression or change in…
What are the ‘New’ measures the Government announced and what are the existing ones, foreseen in the 2022 Budget, or the ‘indexation’ of the 2022 Budget Law. The Social Resilience Package does not offer new measures, but additional budgetary costs in the existing government policies, as outlined in the 2022 Law on the Budget. The additional costs are nothing but materialized fiscal risks of existing…
Public Procurement Procedures without competition in 2020 and 2021
Open Data Albania has done a short analysis on Public Procurement Procedures held in 2020 and 2021 without competition or open procedures. As such, we have taken into consideration tenders that were conducted with Restricted, local or international, procedures and Negotiated procurement procedures without prior publication of a contract notice.In this analysis, we have not considered Negotiated procurement procedures with prior announcement or Requests for…
Policy Paper “Public Procurement, Albania through the Lens of European Integration”
The Policy Paper “Public Procurement, Albania through the Lens of European Integration” was drafted by the Albanian Institute of Science AIS / Open Data Albania, during the implementation of C1 – EU – NPA Project “Improving the Debate on Policies and Accountability to Fulfill Basic Rights”, through the creation of the Cluster 1 Albania Negotiation Platform. This project is being implemented by four Albanian organizations: the Center for the…
[Period 22.02.2022 – 28.02.2022] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality
Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the period 22.02.2022 – 28.02.2022, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is: – Vaccination with 3 doses 236 615 Persons– Vaccination with 2 doses 1 196 277 Persons– Vaccination with the First Dose 1 269 745…