Open Data Albania is updating the data regarding the operation of Television Media in the country. The research highlights the number of licenses by category held by television media and the commercial entities who own these screens. The data used in the analyses was obtained from the Audiovisual Media Authority AMA and the National Recording Center NKR. In Albania, televisions are categorized based on the…
Women convicted by verdict of the Albanian Courts in 2021
Open Data Albania is updating the 2021 data on the current state of convicts in the Institutions for the Execution of Penal Decisions. The data were collected from the Statistical Yearbooks of the Ministry of Justice, detailing the number of women and girls convicted based on the criminal offense or specific article breached. The criminality among women, according to the 2021’s Judicial Decisions constitutes 5.5…
Domestic Electricity Production based on the Producing Entity, January – August 2022
Open Data is probing into the domestic net production of Electricity data, regarding both Public and Private Producers, as well as Concessionair companies. The data was extracted from the Energy Regulatory Entity (ERE) Electricity Market Reports for the January-August 2022 period. Currently, domestic electricity production consists of two main components: The production carried out by companies with state capital, like KESH sh.a. and Lanabregas sh.a.,…
Financial Data concerning PPP Concessionary Businesses with budget support. 2021 vs 2020 comparison
Open Data Albania is studying the Turnover, Gross Profit Margin for 13 Businesses that implement concessionary projects or Public Private Partnerships, supported from the State Budget. Out of 13 concessionary PPP companies, that implement concessionary projects with budget support, only 9 of them have submitted and published the Financial Statements for 2021, in line with the existing legal requirements. Until October 2022, 4 of them…
Constitutional Control over Corrupt Laws, Vacancies of several years in the Constitutional Court bring Serious Consequences for the Prevention of Corruption by Law
The AIS organization initiated a Lawsuit in September 2021 for the Constitutional Court requesting the Repeal as unconstitutional of a law that regulates Contracts for the Reconstruction Program after the Earthquake. The lawsuit of the organization AIS/Open Data Albania sought the Partial Repeal of Law no. 97/2019 for the adoption of the normative Act with the power of Law no. 9 / 2019 of the…