Open Data Albania is investigating on the administrators of JSCs with public institutions as shareholders. The administrator of a commercial company is appointed by the Supervisory Board, while the latter is elected by shareholders (in this case the public institution itself and the head of the institution). The research data are received from historic extracts of JSCs published on the database of the National Registration Center, NRC, up to December 31, 2015.
Since six of 120 joint stock companies owned by a public institution are under insolvency process (liquidation for shutting down effect) their administrators are also acting in the capacity of receiver. Kombinati Energjetik, KESH SECURITY SHRSF andOST SECURITY, Military Clothing Manufacture JSC, Tirana Stock Market JSC, ALBMINIERA JSC and Berat EKS are enterprises under the process of insolvency.
From one hundred and twenty joint stock companies examined, 17 or 14% of them are managed by female administrators and 103 joint stock companies, or 86% of enterprises with a public institution as a shareholder are run by men administrators.
Female administrators with Public equity, 31 December, 2015
Source: National Registration Center (NRC)
Comments and analysis: ODA
The mandate of eighteen administrators of commercial companies with public capital has expired by the end of 2015. These entities have not notified NRC if the mandate of these administrators is renewed, or the company is awaiting for the appointment of a new administrator. From 120 companies having a public institution as a shareholder, 51 have not filed to NCR their financial statements for 2014 accounting year.
Administrators of companies with a public institution as the shareholder whose term has expired, 31 December 2015
Source: National Registration Center (NRC)
Comments and analysis: ODA
In 2013, 24 new administrators were appointed and nineteen of them have a three year term.
Administrators of Companies with a public institution capital appointed in 2013
Source: National Registration Center (NRC)
Comments and analysis: ODA
In 2014, 24 new administrators were appointed, twenty-two of whom have a 3-year term.
Administrators of Companies with a public institution capital appointed in 2014
Source: National Registration Center (NRC)Comments and analysis: ODA
In 2015, 32 new administrators were appointed, twenty-two of whom have a 3-year term.
Administrators of Companies with a public institution capital appointed in 2015
Source: National Registration Center (NRC)
Comments and analysis: ODA
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Contribution by: Griselda Ruci