The level of the total of Public Debt Stock was around ALL 1042 billion in 2015 and it was 7% higher than a year ago. This debt stock occupies 72.39% of the Gross Domestic Product, GDP. The Stock of Domestic Public Debt was ALL 551 billion in 2015, or about 2% less than in 2014, while the Stock of Public Foreign Debt was ALL 491 billion. Public Foreign Debt has been increased by 19% compared with a year ago.
Source: Bank of Albania
Comments and analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA)
The level of external debt has increased significantly over the years something that indicates that the domestic borrowing is covering the need for debt less and less.
The stock of domestic and external debt in years
Value in in billions
Source: Bank of Albania
Comments and analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA)
Domestic debt rate is still high and accounts for about 38.3% of Gross Domestic Product, GDP, in 2015 compared with the level of foreign debt which runs at 34.09% of GDP.
Contribution by: Griselda Ruci