Net profit of the Bank of Albania is calculated after expenditure incurred for the financial year in question are deducted from the income. 25% of the proceeds go to the general reserve fund and the remaining portion of the net profits will be used to compensate securities provided to the Bank of Albania. Net profit, remaining after deduction of the general reserve fund and compensations mentioned above, shall be transferred to the state budget income within four months after the end of the financial year.
Profit transferred by the Bank of Albania is classified in the group of non-tax revenues in the budget. During the last three years, the weight that the profit transferred from the Bank of Albania in non-tax revenues dropped from 21.47% in 2014 to 3.14% in 2015. In 2016 this indicator is projected to be 3.49%.
Profit share of the Bank of Albania transferred to the state budget 2013-2016
Value in million ALL
Source: Ministry of Finance
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
In 2015, the Bank of Albania has transferred to the state budget ALL 962 million, about 51% less than in 2014. For 2016, it is projected that 1 billion ALL will be transferred to the state budget from the profit of the Bank of Albania. Profit transferred under the Normative Act 2015 have the lowest value of the profit of the Bank of Albania transferred to the state budget since 1993.
Source: Ministry of Finance
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Profit transferred by the Bank of Albania into the state budget occupies a small part of the total budget revenues. In 2015, profit transferred to the budget had a 0.24 weight % to total budgetary revenues. This value has been declining since 1999. In 2016, this weight is projected to be the same as that of 2015.
Source: Ministry of Finance
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Contribution by: Griselda Ruci