Source: Eurostat
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Total of citizenships granted from EU and EFTA, 2009-2014
Source: Eurostat
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Germany, France, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom and Sweden in recent years have been among the countries with the greatest number of citizenships granted over the years.
Citizenships granted from EU and EFTA 2009-2014
Source: Eurostat
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
In 2014, Spain was the country granting the greatest number of nationalities. Next comes Italy, UK, Germany and France. Divided in a relative value, Spain has granted about 23% of the total citizenships granted by all EU and EFTA countries, Italy around 15%, UK about 14%, while Germany and France around 12% each.
Source: Eurostat
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Citizenships granted by the EU and EFTA countries are granted to EU and EFTA nationals, who have decided to take a new citizenship, as well as to non-EU countries. About 88% of the nationalities were granted to citizens outside the EU and EFTA, 11% to EU and EFTA citizens, while less than 2% to individuals with unknown citizenship or stateless.
Source: Eurostat
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
In 2014, women have benefited a greater number of European citizenships than men. Percentage ratio is 51.8% for women, who have benefited citizenship in a country of the EU compared to 48.2 for men. Countries like Croatia and Iceland have granted over 60% of the citizenships to women. While Romania with 57.9%, Slovenia with 58.5% and Greece with 56.3% have the highest percentage of citizenships granted to Men.
Source: Eurostat
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
On the other hand, more than 50% of the beneficiaries of European citizenship are less than 32 years old. The age group with the highest percentage of citizenship granted from EU and EFTA countries is 35-44 years old, while the age group with the lowest percentage is over 55 years old.
Source: Eurostat
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Source: Eurostat
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Individuals who have received the greatest number of citizenships from EU and EFTA countries in 2014 are from Morocco, where about 93 thousand citizens gained a new citizenship. Albania is ranked the second in the list, where about 41 thousand citizens benefited citizenship from EU and EFTA countries, then comes Turkey with 37.5 thousand, India with 35.3 thousand and Ecuador with 34.8 thousand. Other countries in the list have less than 30 thousand beneficiaries of statehood from EU and EFTA countries.
Source: Eurostat
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Main countries that have applied for citizenship in EU countries and EFTA, 2014
Source: Eurostat
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
In 2014, about 41 thousand Albanians benefited citizenship from the EU and EFTA countries, ranking Albania at the second place as a state that has benefited nationality from EU and EFTA countries. About 52% of Albanians benefited nationality from neighboring Italy and 45% from another neighbor, Greece. Only 0.1% of Albanian emigrants in the United Kingdom gained citizenship in 2014, while in Belgium about 0.6% of Albanian emigrants gained citizenship. The remaining of 2% of citizenship is benefited from other EU and EFTA countries.
Source: Eurostat
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Main EU countries from which Albanian citizens have benefited citizenship, 2014
Source: Eurostat
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Contributed by: Ina Baja