A total of 207 procedures with a single competitor were conducted and the Limit Fund total for these procedures is worth ALL 1.9 billion. The highest number of tenders were conducted from the local government unit of Tirana: 22 tenders with a limit fund of ALL159 million. Then come the local government units of Elbasan and Korca, respectively with 16 and 15 procedures conducted by a single operator.
Tenders with a single competitor are characterized by a lack of efficiency due to irregular competition and in some cases due to restrictive, or client criteria on the part of Contracting Authorities.
The survey doesn?t include tenders, which have been already conducted and the winner has been proclaimed, but they were canceled for various reasons.
Source: app.gov.al
Comments and Analysis: ODA
Concerning the total of the announced Limit Fund, the Local Government Unit of Vora ranks first with ALL 238 for proclaimed tenders. Then comes the Local Government Unit of Rrogozhina with ALL 207 million for 3 procedures and the Local Government Unit of Malsi e Madhe with ALL 201 million for 4 procedures.
Source: app.gov.al
Comments and Analysis: ODA
The difference between the winning amount and the limit fund is an important indicator of the efficiency of the public funds distribution. The lowest the level of competitiveness, the lowest is this difference. This is also reflected in the following table. For the Local Government Units of Mallakastra, Saranda, Delvina, Kurbin, Skrapar, Kukes, Klos, Rrogozhinë, Vora, Kucova, Kolonja and Has the difference in % is 0%.
The difference in % between the Limit Fund and the Awarded Value
Source: app.gov.al
Comments and Analysis: ODA
Tenders for fuels, the winning bid of which is determined by Profit Margin, and not by a fixed value are not included in the above analysis. As it seen in the table below, the tender for purchasing gas for the cooking stove (Municipality of Durres) is finalized with the highest margin of profit that is with 45%. The Economic Operator proclaimed as the winner is the company M. B. KURTI LLC. This company is under investigation for violation of equality in tenders and forgery of documents for Tenders of food in prisons.
Source: app.gov.al
Comments and Analysis: ODA
Economic Operator, which heads the list of tenders with low competitiveness, is Shpresa-Al LLC Company with 4 tenders with a total of ALL 44.6 million. Tenders in which this company was proclaimed as the winner as a single economic operator in the competition are: “Transportation of the children of Luigj Gurakuqi school in Tirana”, “Purchase of vehicles for the needs of Tropoja Municipality”, “Purchase of Solar for DNP 2 in Tirana” and ” Fuel purchases for DNP 1 in Tirana “.
But it?s worth underlining that that there are a lot of tenders where a high number of economic operators participated in the competition such as the tender: “Construction of the 9-year school Bajram Curri 2”, with 31 competitive economic operators (the highest number), with a Limit Fund of ALL 120 287 000 and a winning value of ALL 80,470,382. The difference between the Limit Fund and the winning value for this tender is 33%, as a result of high competitiveness.
You may find more information on Tenders and their competitiveness on Open Procurement Albania portal.