The article reflects lack of people in the institutions or the lack of culture of solving problems in an institutional manner. Self-made justice qualifies as a criminal contravention and is punishable by a fine or up to three months of imprisonment. According to the Annual Statistics of the Ministry of Justice, there were 624 court cases against self-made justice during 2005-2015, with 2015 marking the highest number (116). The court sentenced 693 people for self-made justice during the last decade.
Source: Annual Statistics of MoJ
Comments and analysis: ODA
Offenders punished for Self-Made Justice according to Article 277 of the Criminal Code during 2005-2015
Source: Annual Statistics of MoJ
Comments and analysis: ODA
Source: Annual Statistics of MoJ
Comments and analysis: ODA
About seven per cent of the offenders were women. During 2005-2015, the court sentenced 50 women and 643 men offenders for self-made justice.
Source: Annual Statistics of MoJ
Comments and analysis: ODA
Offenders punished for Self-Made Justice by gender 2005-2015
Source: Annual Statistics of MoJ
Comments and analysis: ODA
During these years, the Albanian courts imposed 500 fines for the criminal offence of self-made justice, and imprisoned 166 offenders.