Open Data Albania is investigating the number of prisoners in the Institutions for the Execution of Criminal Decisions (IECD) and pre-detainees under security measures in Pre-detention Facilities in the Republic of Albania. The data are based on the Statistics of the General Directorate of Prisons, and are processed, commented, and analyzed by ODA. The analysis is made by comparing the data from January 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 for the category of prisoners and pre-detainees in the prison system.
The category of criminal offenders sentenced by a final court decision to an institution has reached its highest number in January 2014 (during the five-year period 2013-2017). Thus, 3125 persons served their sentences in prison during this period. January 2017 marked the lowest number of prisoners, 2681.
Criminal Offenders in prison in the Republic of Albania during January 2013 -January 2017
Months/Years | January |
2013 | 2856 |
2014 | 3125 |
2015 | 2729 |
2016 | 2366 |
2017 | 2681 |
Source: General Directorate of Prisons
Comment: ODA
Source: General Directorate of Prisons
Comment: ODA
As for pre-detainees in Pre-detention Facilities, the highest number during these five reporting years was marked in January 2015. It was 3014 criminal offenders, who served their security measures in Pre-detention Facilities this month. The lowest number of pre-detainees, 1796, was marked in January 2013.
Pre-detainees under security measures in predention facilities during January 2013 -January 2017
Months/Years | January |
2013 | 1796 |
2014 | 2442 |
2015 | 3014 |
2016 | 2950 |
2017 | 2883 |
Source: General Directorate of Prisons
Comment: ODA
Source: General Directorate of Prisons
Comment: ODA
In the beginning of the three last years, the number of pre-detainees was higher than that of the criminal offenders sent to prison by the court. This is also an indication of a trend to apply the longest security measures possible pending a court decision.
Source: General Directorate of Prisons
Comment: ODA
A very important aspect is the amnesty and forgiveness. According to Article 71 of the Criminal Code, the competent body may, through amnesty, exempt a criminal offender from serving his punishment fully or partially, or may replace his punishment by a lighter one. The amnesty applies to criminal offences committed until one day before its announcement, unless the respective act foresees otherwise. The competent body in this case is the Assembly of Albania.
Article 70 of the Criminal Code gives the right to a competent body to fully or partially exempt a person from serving his decision imposed by a court decision, or replace it by a lighter one. The competent body in this case is the President of the Republic of Albania. Acts of forgiveness are individual and rarer than amnesties.
In January 2017, the number of criminal offenders sentenced to institutions was lower than in December 2016 following the approval of the Amnesty Law by the Assembly on 22 December 2016. Also, a lower number of prisoners and pre-detainees was seen in January 2016 due to the amnesty, which became effective on 21 January 2016. Upon a proposal of the Ministry of Justice and the General Directorate of Prisons, Law No. 154, dated 21.12.2015 “On granting of amnesty” was approved. The amnesty law was applied to 968 persons in the Prison System.
On 10 April 2014, Law No. 22, dated 10.03.2014 “On granting of amnesty” entered into force, which benefited 813 persons deprived of their freedom. The application of this amnesty led to less prisoners in IECDs in April, 2461.