Open Data Albania is disclosing data on the World Population. The source of this information is the UNFPA. Various national authorities and international organizations may use various methodologies to collect, process, and analyse data. To enable comparability of data at the international level, UNFPA relies on standards methodologies used by the main sources of statistics. In some cases, the data on these tables differ from those created by the national authorities. According to the UNFPA population database, statistical tables rely on surveys made by the national representatives of Health and population departments (DHS) and the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MISC); UN inter-agency estimations. They also include the latest estimations and projections of the population (World Population Prospects). The information covers the data available as of January 2019. According to the UNFPA dataset, the world population in January 2019 was 7 794 798 739 (seven billion and seven hundred and ninety-four million and seven hundred and ninety-eight thousand and seven hundred and thirty-nine). Asia has the largest population, 4.6 billion or 59.54% of the world population, followed by Africa with 1 340 598 147 (one billion and three hundred and forty million and five hundred and ninety-eight thousand and one hundred and forty-seven). Africa has today 17.2 % of the world population. These two continents are where most of the population and human resources are concentrated. In terms of production and consumption, these two countries promise more than Europe or the Northern America. They are followed by Europe with only 9.59% of the population, and the Latin America and the Caribbean’s with 8.39%. The Northern America has only 4.73 % of the world population, while the Oceania comes last.
Processing and Analysis: Open Data Albania
According to the UNFPA, the largest population in the old European continent belongs to Russia, followed by Turkey. Germany comes third, followed by France, and Italy. Albania comes thirtieth, while Serbia and Croatia have the largest population in our region. The least populated European country is Island.
br>Data: UNFPA
Processing and Analysis: Open Data Albania
The world’s ten ‘demographic superpowers’ are: China 18.4% of the total population, India 17.7%, the United States with 4.2%, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, and Mexico.
Processing and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Processing and Analysis: Open Data Albania
The world population is a very important indicator for the development of regions and states. The trend and dynamics have changed over the recent decades as a result of migration and birth rate gap among different states.
Download excel: Population in the World, Europe, and Region in 2019Contribution by: Griselda Ruci