Open Data Albania is publishing highest-value transactions made in 2019 by budgetary institutions for clients or business suppliers. Transactions are ranked by value, but beneficiaries are not necessarily ranked by the same order  Treasury Transactions is a well-structured database providing data on every payment made from state budget institutions through the State Treasury. The database provides exhaustive information on payment dates, categories, their description, beneficiary, and paying institution. The information catalogue operates with data from 2012, when the Government at the time decided to digitalise treasury payments and make them accessible. The system enables easy to use and understand information through highly dynamic search filters. This database is one of the most useful instruments enabling access to information on state budget expenses or on how Albanian taxpayers’ money is spent.

The highest-value transaction for 2019 is the one made on 22 January 2019 in favour of Gjoka 87 concessionary company as payment for Rruga e Arbrit Construction Project. The value of this transaction is 2 147 483 647 (two billion and one hundred and forty-seven million and four hundred and eighty three thousand and six hundred and forty-seven Albanian lek). The same company and concessionary project are ranked second for the highest transaction value in 2019. On December 4th, the same company received 630 000 000 (six hundred and thirty million) Albanian leke for its concessionary Rruga e Arbrit project.

Data: Open Spending
Processing and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Jehona Software, established in 2014 is ranked third in the highest-value transaction list. This company is paid by the General Tax Directorate on October 5th an amount of 432 665 141 (four hundred and thirty two million and six hundred and sixty five thousand and one hundred and forty one) Albanian leke. The payment description reads “Improvement of Management Module” as a contract signed in November 2018. In total, the General Tax Directorate has made five payments described as “Payment for Improvement of Management Module”, i.e. a total amount of 759 144 726 (seven hundred and fifty nine million and one hundred and forty-four thousand and seven hundred and twenty-six) Albanian leke.

Fusha company has benefited from transaction number four in the ranking according to the highest values treasury transactions in favour of commercial companies in 2019. The transaction is worth 420 605 453 leke and is made by the Albanian Development Fund as part of the contract for Reconstruction of Vlora Boulevard contract signed in March 2018.

The fourth highest transaction made by the state budget in favour of business companies in 2019 is the one made to Tosk Energy. A payment in the amount of 364 973 445 (three hundred and sixty four million and nine hundred and seventy three thousand and four hundred and forty-five) Albanian leke was executed on 31 December 2019 in favour of this company. The payment description refers to VAT reimbursement for domestic goods and services.

Five other transactions in the ranking of the highest-value treasury transactions in favour of business companies have been made to Trans Adriatik Pipeline AG Albania for transactions under the VAT reimbursement category for domestic goods and services. In total, this company has benefitted from ten such transactions in 2019 worth a total of 2 700 000 000 (two point seven billion) Albanian leke.

Gener 2 is the company ranked the eleventh in the list of highest-value transactions made in 2019. This transaction worth 329 922 460 (three hundred and twenty-nine million and nine hundred and twenty-two thousand and four hundred and sixty) Albanian leke made on 7 June by the Albanian Road Authority.

Another transaction is the one made in favour of the public-owned Student Residence Number 1. The Education Ministry has paid a total of 300 000 000 (three hundred million) Albanian leke to this state-owned company described as a Grant Transfer as State Aid based on a letter of the Ministry of Finances and Decision of the Council of Ministers, Decision of the State Aid Commission. Student Residences are commercial companies owned by Tirana Municipality.

Data: Open Spending
Processing and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Complete treasury transaction data for 2019 are published and easily searchable on the website of Open Spending Albania.

Each beneficiary of high state budget transactions has a passport with data and documents under  Open Corporates Albania

A good part of the public contracts, on the other hand, are published over the recent years at each stage and document of the Open Procurement Albania tender process.

The above websites are owned by AIS, an organization promoting transparent data, Open Data for Albania.

Download excel: Ranking of state treasury transactions by values 2019
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Translated by: Etleva Kondakçi