Tender and Procurement in times of epidemics. The Albanian Government has not stopped its usual procurement procedures. The post-earthquake reconstruction program has just begun tendering in March. Open Procurement Albania publishes procurements, worth a total fund limit of 9.4 billion Albanian leks (without VAT) for houses and schools, which were damaged by the earthquake. The Government opts for “limited procedure”, avoiding open bidding competition. Based on Law No. 9643/2006 article No. 34, and Decision No. 914/2014 of the Council of Ministers, the time available for bidders to submit their tenders is 20 days, which is a criterion that the Authority has not met, putting the procedure at risk. The tender submission deadline is set in contradiction with the 20-days deadline.The procurement was announced on March 10th, the deadline for document submission was March 19th, i.e. nine calendar days only.The listof tenders is updated on our web-database for public procurement procedures conducted by the Albanian Development Fund.
- Purchases for Covid-19 Situation, the Albanian Government applies Secrete Contracts, bypassing Participation and Transparency
- What the Health Sector is procuring includes small purchases for the safety of the regional doctors