Our most useful database in times of quarantine Kursori.org .The ODK and AIS have applied in the last two years an e-Learning platform for enabling young people to develop their digital skills, a program that enables training on skills for an innovative market of Information Technology. The database is designed to assist students in Kosovo and the high school students of Lezha and Kurbin, Albania, to develop for a safe job market. From today, our e-Learning platform Kursori is open to everyone. Young people and anyone else may obtain three levels of skills to develop their capacity, so they can make the most of it to benefit the most and not waste their time while in quarantine. Kursori.Org is supported by the European Delegation as an activity of the Open ICT Education for Youth Employability Project and is financed by an EU IPA cross–border project. The objective of the project is to foster youth employability providing open access to critical ICT knowledge and skills, and strengthening cross–border cooperation between the educational institutions. In times of quarantine, this is a useful tool for professional training and development that allows you to work from home. We are opening this platform for everyone, it’s in Albanian. Click, register and become skilled. A great team of Tech Leaders is there to assist you.