AIS has traced tenders carried out by health institutions in the country, creating a database with information on tenders’ procedures, purchases, performance, and status. The database enables transparency and tracing of contracts signed for:
Medications –
Equipment –
Protective Gears –
Medical Oxygen –
Purchases of Vaccines –
The data are listed by type of procedure and institution. Tracing, transparency, and accountability take particular importance in times of crisis and humanitarian disasters. The database of tenders carried out during the situation of the natural disaster created by Covid19 is part of the project in “Public contracts in a situation of the natural catastrophe caused by Covid-19 – Strengthening the Independent Monitoring Mechanisms”, supported financially by the US Embassy Democracy Commission Small Grants Program in Tirana. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the State Department.