Open Data Albania is investigating Anti Covid 19 vaccination in Albania: planning; number of doses contracted; doses administered and applied. The same analysis also reveals State Expenditures for purchase through contracting. Information in this article refers to official publications of the Prime Minister; Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance and Economy. In order to obtain records on contracting expenses, the analytical team at Open Data Albania has carefully examined state planning, allocation, amendment and reporting documents on expenditures and financial consolidations. These documents are listed under the Contracting Passports of Open Procurement Albania.

To manage the entire anti-Covid vaccination process, the Government has adopted a National Vaccination Plan. According to the two-dose vaccination plan for the adult population, a total of 4.4 million vaccines should be administered.

Four types of vaccines have been administered in Albania so far to prevent COVID-19 disease: BioNTech Pfizer through two contracts January 2021 and June 2021; CoronaVac; AstraZeneca and Sputnik V. An amount of 200 thousand doses has been obtained through donations from the EU and countries friendly to Albania. As of 1 September, 1,921,957 (one million nine hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven) doses had arrived in the country. That includes 1,000,000 (one million) are SinoVac-CoronaVac; 551 000 (five hundred fifty-one thousand) are BionTech Pfizer; 320,000 (three hundred and twenty thousand are) AstraZeneca and 50,000 (fifty thousand) are Sputnik V.

Source: Prime Ministry official website and social networks fb_Prime Minister
Edited by: ODA (2021)

Source: Prime Ministry official website and social networks fb_Prime Minister
Edited by: ODA (2021)

According to the Contracts that the State has signed with manufacturers, suppliers and intermediary companies, it results that: as of September 2021, 2.9 million doses or 66% of the number of doses for which the state is committed to provide in the State Vaccination Plan have been contracted. As of September 1, 2021, one million four hundred and seventy-two thousand three hundred and sixteen doses have been applied (performed as injections). Vaccination has reached the level of 22% of the population.

Edited by: ODA (2021)

Edited by: ODA (2021)

Source: Assembly
Edited by: ODA (2021)

Financing of Vaccination Purchase and Contracting is part of the 2020 and 2021 Budget planning and execution. Funding for this expenditure related to the Public Health Program is decided to be made through the Reserve Fund, the fund is managed by Decision of the Council of Ministers. The Albanian Government is represented by two authorized ministries (March 2021), as negotiators for talks with manufacturers, authorized distributors or foreign governments. The Ministry of State for Reconstruction Minister Mr. Arben Ahmetaj and Ministry of Health Minister Mrs. Ogerta Manastirliu. As of September 2021, 1.92 million doses have been administered out of 2.9 contracted.

All agreements drafted and signed by the Government during 2021, are agreements for which the text has not been published, considering them confidential due to trade secret.

Edited by: ODA (2021)

Edited by: ODA (2021)

The detailed table is created by analyzing: the text of the Law approving the Confidential Contract; Normative Acts for Budget Revision; Initial Budget Plan; Budget Consolidation Document; Decisions of the Council of Ministers; the explanatory report of the Budget Law. Budget Planning for Vaccines under the Purchase Contract September 2020 – September 2021 amounts to 3 420 775 054 Lekë, i.e. 3.42 billion Lekë expenditures engaged in contracting. The highest value in contracting goes to the Turkish supplier Keymen Ilac Sanay Ve Ticaret Anonymous Company, which has been contracted for a quantity of one million doses of which so far one million doses have been administered. Next comes Pfizer Export BV.

The first vaccine in the country arrived on 12 January 2021. It was 975 doses of BioNTech, Pfizer. The excel table accompanying this article shows all the supplies and administrations by date and type of vaccine that has entered the country during September 2020 – 1 September 2021.

During the first year of the pandemic, AIS / Open Data Albania has carefully monitored Procurement and Contracting as part of the efforts to cope with Covid-19 situation by Public Health Institutions, and in particular contracting to provide Vaccination for the population. The Health Sector Tenders are published in a well-structured and analytical format on the OpenProcurementAlbania Health website. An analytical database has been created for tenders and contracts carried out to meet the needs of the health sector to cope with the Covid -19 situation. The structure and listing of the Information are according to the following categories: Purchase of Oxygen, Purchase of Disinfectant, Protective Equipment, Test and Swab, Medications, Equipment, Secret Contracts according to DCM No. 203 dated 2020. This process was carried out as part of the activities of the  Public Contracting in Condition of Natural Disaster Covid -19 Project for Strengthening Independent Monitoring Mechanisms September 2020 – June 2021, a project supported under the Small Grants Program of the US Embassy Democracy Commission.

For more detailed information, visit the section ODA Topics Health and the Open Procurement Albania platform.

Download excel:Anti-COVID Vaccination 19, Administered Doses and Financial Costs in Albania September 2020 – 1 September 2021
Komente dhe Analiza: Open Data Albania Translated by: Etleva Kondakçi