Open Data Albania is researching the price of oil in Albania and the taxes applied on hydrocarbons, taking into account the comparison with the countries of the Region. Currently the average price of oil worldwide is 109.7 all / Liter or 0.90 Euro / liter. All countries have the same access to international oil markets, however if you notice in the table below there are noticeable differences in price. This also comes as a result of the taxes that are applied on hydrocarbons in each state.
Specifically, Albania is one of the 25 countries with the highest oil prices in the world, ranked more expensive than countries with high living standards such as Germany, Spain, Luxembourg, Austria and Hungary. According to the data, the 5 countries with the lowest price are Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Angola, which are considered as oil producing countries while the country with the highest price is Hong Kong with 222.58 ALL / liter, followed by Sweden with 209.04 ALL / liter, Israel with 199.9 ALL / liter and the United Kingdom with 194.49 ALL / liter.
Compared to the countries of the Region, Albania is ranked second with a narrow price difference with Serbia. Despite the fact that Albania is an oil producer, prices are still very high compared to countries in the region which are not producers. The main reason leading to this price level is the high high tax rate. Specifically, Albanians pay 5 types of taxes on fuel, representing thus 60.1% of the oil final price. Currently for 1 liter of oil, consumers pay 37 ALL Excise for fuel, 27 ALL / liter turnover tax and 3 ALL / liter carbon tax. To this value is added a VAT of 20%, which also burdens the consumer to the extent of about 33.4 ALL / liter, making a total of 100.4 ALL / liter only tax, without taking into account other costs of gas stations operating in Albania.
Source : GlobalPetrolPrices, Weekly results,
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Meanwhile, the country with the lowest tax burden on the final price paid by the consumer for 1 liter of oil, is Northern Macedonia, where taxes amount to 40.1% of the final price, as the final price includes only an Excise of 28 ALL / liter and VAT which is 18% of the final price. Specifically, due to the high tax burden, a final consumer of oil product pays 35% more for the purchase of 1 liter of oil, compared to a Macedonian consumer.
Source :Law no.9975 / 2008 “On national taxes”, as amended Ministries of Finance, respective Customs Authorities by countries Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia
GlobalPetrolPrices, Weekly results,
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Source :Law no.9975 / 2008 “On national taxes”, as amended Ministries of Finance, respective Customs Authorities by countries Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia
GlobalPetrolPrices, Weekly results,
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Other countries in the region have an almost approximate tax burden, namely Montenegro (58%), Serbia (55.2%) and Kosovo (53.1%).
Download excel: Price of oil. Comparative Albania and the countries of the RegionKomente dhe Analiza: Open Data Albania
Translated by: Etleva Kondakçi