Google Analytics announces through monthly reports that prokurimetransparente.al site has reached 21.3% more Unique Visitors (Users) in August; 24.5% more Sessions attended. And this is only for the month of August, when the site has not undertaken any visibility campaign, and when even the current updates have been more modest due to some annual staff holidays. Not being a gossip news site, or a beauty and welfare tips site, the site with now a consolidated number of visits shows that the audience in the Albanian language has begun to acquire the culture of #monitoring #procurement and #state contracts. Good news! Furthermore, the databases introduced under openprocurement.al are useful in accessing #information, #data and #documents. Good job from our staff #Sabina #Anila #Megi and trust from our donors: Sida Projects, US Embassy and NED.
On this website, there are all passports for tenders and contracts by Sectors (and years) available:
#Post-Earthquake Reconstruction
# Health
#Tender Albanian Development Fund
#Tender Albanian Road Authority
# State Tenders Enterprises
#Centralized Purchasing Agency
#Contract PPP / Concessions
Each of the Databases above has a section where tenders exposed to risk of #corruption and lack of #competition are identified. The identification is done according to our algorithm for RedFlag, an algorithm created according to the evaluation models of #Transparence International and Open Contracting Partnership.

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