The cyber attack, that started in July 2022 on the Albanian official state database, has also taken offline the database containing information and documents concerning PPP/Concessions from ATRAKO, the Agency for the Handling of Concessions. Their publication, as well as guaranteeing public access are mandatory.
Abanian Institute of Sccience, through its web-portal Open Corporates Albania, has in place a Registry with all the Albanian PPP Concessions contracts and documentaton. This database was created by monitoring, recording, collecting, re-publicating in a well-structured manner of data from the Public Registers, the work and commitment of many years from AIS team of analysts.

The Concessionaire Registry is of particular importance especially during this time, with ATRAKO Concession Handling Agency official website, and relevant information out of service, due to the cyber attacks on the Republic of Albania’s official databases and systems. (from July 2022).
Our Concessionaire Register contains the following information, business passports and documents:
– Concession and PPP Contracts and Agreements;
– Information on the PPP and Public Concession Companies management, ownership, and performance;
– data and documents on Companies selected for PPP Implementation;
– the Statute, Financial Statements, Credit Agreements, documents on legal issues;
– Financial control packages;
– Treasury Transactions and Payments over the Years;
– Extensions and Amendments to the initial contract or agreement;
– Feasibility studies and procurement procedure documents for awarding PPP or Concession through competition;
– fees and concessionary conditions;
– etc.

The purpose for which this database was created and operates matches our desire and will that the data for this important public sector be easily accessible and transparent. The database applies the best standards of data publication and access and creates opportunities for objective analysis and assessment.

The information provieded by the database demonstrate consistency in time, tracking documents from the PPP planning phase, to the finalization and subsequent implementation. The information is complete, revised and updated over time. The data has been retrived over the years in the followoing Public Registers: Official Bulletins of the Albanian Government; Parliament Archives; Business Registration Center; Licensing Center; Official Gazette of the Republic of Albania; Publications of the Treasury Directorate; Publications of the Public Procurement Agency; Publications of Public Business Registers in EU countries; Publications of AKBN, i.e National Agency of Natural Resources.

OpenCorporates Albania, – data on the Concessionary Company,- functions simulaneaously as a service, instrument and a database, created by the Civil Society in implementation of the “OpenData Access and Trasaprency over sectors exposed to risk of corruption” Project.
Other products of AIS’s work in the implementation of the “OpenData Access and Trasaprency over sectors exposed to risk of corruption” project involve the publication of Reports and Research Articles regarding Concessions and Private Public Partnerships in the country, which can be accessed online via the NdiqParate webpage, by searching on the topic of Concessions