Open Data Albania is disclosing the ownership regarding business companies that operate as Audiovisual Media in the Republic of Albania. Audiovisual Medias are licensed by the AMA and categorized as: National Private Licensed Audiovisual Entities and Private Analogue Audiovisual Entities. The research focuses on the number of licenses issued by category, shareholders and final owners of audiovisual media.

On March 1st, 2023, there are 51 business companies licensed as Audiovisual Media, of whom Albanian Radio Television (RTSH) is a public operator, five of them are private national audiovisual entities and 45 private are licensed as analogue audiovisual entities.

Table: National Private Entities licensed by the AMA
Source: AMA
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

Table: National Private Entities licensed by the AMA
Source: AMA
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

Among the Audiovisual Media subjects, eight were registered in the NBC as a natural person, three of which have, since, been deregistered. Other deregistered entities are TV Lobi and TV Premium Channel, the latter absorbed by Premium Media. Three of the media have suspended their activity and two of them have had their licenses revoked by the AMA, specifically AGONSET who wons the licence to Agon Channel TV and TV BALLKAN who owns the licence of A1 Report Television. The following analysis will take under examination only the information regarding business entities with an active License and NIPT, 36 entities in total.

The total capital of active Audiovisual Media companies on March 1, 2023 reached the value of ALL 4.2 billion. Over 80% of the total capital of the current active televisions is divided between the 5 main medias, namely TV KLAN with a share of 35% of the media capital, Top Channel with a share of 25% of media capital, Vizion + and TV Scan with a respective share of 8% of the capital and Digitalb TV worth 6% of the total media capital.

Based on the shareholders, 84% of the media capital is owned by individuals, specifically about ALL 3.5 billion, whereas legal entities own ALL 670 million, which is about 16% of the total.

Table: Total capital of Active Licensed Entities, Audiovisual Media on March 1, 2023
Source: QKB, Open Corporates Albania
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

Source: QKB, Open Corporates Albania
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

Source: QKB, Open Corporates Albania
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

If we look at the list of shareholders, the largest capital holder is Aleksandër Frangaj, shareholder of Tv Klan, worth ALL 870 milions. Listed as second is Alba Gina, with a capital worth of ALL 598 milion, shareholder in Tv Klan and Digitalb Tv. The company “Balfin – Balkan Finance Investment Group” the only shareholder of Scan Television emerges in third place regarding the size of the capital, worth ALL 328.8 milion.

Leonard Deliaj has the smallest capital size among the media owners, sharehoder of TV 6+1Vlora, with a capital of only ALL 4 000.

Table: List of Audio-Visual Media Shareholders
Source: QKB, Open Corporates Albania
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

Source: QKB, Open Corporates Albania
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

The total number of shareholders for media businesses is fixed at 68 shareholders, of which 15 are legal entities. The final owners for the Audiovisual Media business companies, in the case of legal shareholders are considered those individuals who have the final ownership of the shareholding company.

Specifically, the final owner of Scan Television is Samir Mane, the sole shareholder of the company “Balfin – Balkan Finance Investment Group”, the latter is, on the other hand, the majority shareholder for 100% of Scan TV’s shares.

Hidden or indirect owners of Digitalb TV and Television ADTN (100% owned by Digitalb TV) are Ardian Jasimi, owner of the company “ALBSEA TRANSPORT”; Petraq Shomo, owner of “DEM Capital”; Edmond Leka, Niko Leka and Varuzhan Piranjani by way of owning shares in the companies “Arch Investor” and “UNION GRUP”; Arben Taipi, owner of “E&E INVESTMENT”; Gjergji Misha and Eduard Shima as non-majority shareholder of the company “UNION GRUP”; as well as Lorela Hoxha and Sara Hoxha as shareholder of the company “LORESA”.

Panorama Television is owned by Andrea Nako dhe Irfan Hysenbelliu. Andera Nako is the final owner through the majority shareholder that is “PANDA GROUP”, whereas Irfan Hysenbelliu is the final owner by way of  “PANORAMA GROUP”.

Ninety percent of the Fax News shares are owned by “KEDO GROUP”, whose final owners  are Kevin Hysenbelli, Donika Hysenbelli and Enkeleda Hysenbelli, each owning an equal stake.

Esat Boyku turns out to be the final owner of ABC News Television, behind a chain of shareholders. ABC News shareholder is the company shoqëria “A.B.C. MANAGEMENT”, which turns out to own 100% of the shares owned by the company “MEDIA HOLDING”, which is in turn owned 100% by Esat Bojku.

A2 Television, with sole shareholder the company “GENER 2”, is owned by Bashkim Ulaj, Astrit Ulaj dhe Ahmet Ulaj. Skerdi Oseku emerges as the final owner of Tema Television, through ownership of “OTIG”, a company with limited liability.

Syri Tv, with sole shareholder the “Center fr Open Information”, is owned by an Organization, which on the public records has disclosed as its head, simultaneously the final owner, Mr. Çlirim Peka.

Table: Final indirect owners of audiovisual media businesses
Source: QKB, Open Corporates Albania
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

There are 22 individual media owners “hidden” behind companies, with a total capital of ALL 669 million. Samir Mane has the highest indirectly controlled stake, worth ALL 329 million, followed by Lorela and Sara Hoxha with a capital value of around ALL 35 million each. The lowest controlled capital belong to Gjergji Misha and Eduard Shima, with a capital value of around ALL 3.3 million each.

Source: QKB, Open Corporates Albania
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

Overall, the number of final owners of media businesses, directly and indirectly, reached 72 in March 2023. The owners with the largest capital size remain Aleksandër Frangaj and Alba Gina. In third place for the highest capital size is Samir Mane, with a capital worth ALL 329 million.

Lorela Hoxha and Sara Hoxha follow suit wth a capital worth ALL 242 milion, further followed by Itan Hoxha who owns a capital worth ALL 227 milion  and Redia Hoxha worth ALL 217 milion. The last four emerge as final owners on three televisions.

Leonard Deliaj remains the owner with the lowest value of controlled media capital, worth ALL 4000.

Table: Final Owners (direct and indirect) of the Media in alphabetical order
Source: QKB, Open Corporates Albania
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

The information was obtained from the Audiovisual Media Authority, as well as the Business Registry. For more details regarding every media company, in the Open Corporates Albania platform, you will find a Passport with specific information concerning the establishment, object of activity, shareholders over the years, origin of capital, legal issues, economic performance and main documents, in the menu Media Bussinesses.

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Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania
Contributed by: Pajtim Nikolli
Translated by: Rezarta Cushaj