Organizer: AIS, promotor of Open Data Albania
Project and Partnership: Increasing Parliament’s Responsiveness to Citizens’ Concerns, Project supported by the British Embassy in Tirana and implemented by a consortium led by IDM, in partnership with Citizens Channel and AIS
Agenda: Download hereOpening and Welcoming Speech

- Mrs. Aranita Brahaj – AIS’ Executive Director
- Mr. Sam Goldbart, First Secretary, Justice, Political and Homme Affairs British Embassy Tirana
- Mr. Gjergji Vurmo, IDM Representative
- Moderator: Mrs. Matilda Duri

Panel no. 1

Parliamentary Oversight of Public Finances and the Supreme State Audit Institution
- Expert – Prof. Lindita Lati Milo
- Presentation of the Policy Paper: Findings and Recommendations

Positions over the PP’s Findings and Recommendations

Mr. Eduard Shalsi
Chairman of the Committee for Economy and Finance
- Mrs. Jorida Tabaku
- Chairman of the Committee for European Affairs and Member of the Committee for Economy and Finance
- Mr. Gjovalin Preci
- Director of State Budget Audit Department, Supreme State Audit
- Questions and Discussion
Panel no. 2

Parliament and its Role in the Oversight of the Fiscal Policy. State Budget Drafting, Supervision and Reporting Processes
- Expert – Prof. Petraq Milo
- Presentation of the Report: Oversight Role of the Parliament. Findings and Recommendations

Positions over the Report’s Findings and Recommendations
- Mrs. Pranvera Resulaj
- Member of the Committee for Economy and Finance
- Ms. Emilja Koliqi
- Member of the Committee for Economy and Finance
- Questions and Discussion
The document part of the activities of the AIS organization for the Oversight of Public Finances – The Role of Parliament, Institutions and Civil Society LINK
Objective: In this event, through the presentation of the Policy Papers and Report, we aim to bring to attention findings and recommendations on aspects related to the role of the Parliament, its cooperation with institutions or other civil actors to ensure better processes for drafting, consultation and monitoring of the State Budget and Public Finances.
Likewise, during the discussions, we would like to create space for debate and exchange of arguments between high-level representatives from the Parliament, Constitutional Institutions, Ministry of Finance, Civil Society, and the Media.
Venue: Hotel Tirana Marriott, Bylis Hall, 3rd Floor
Day: January 31, 2024