The first kick – off event “Introductory DataThon 2024 Workshop” was held at Rogner Hotel with 38 participants, including 29 selected fellows (22 women and 7 men), 3 mentors, 4 AIS staff, and 2 OSCE representatives.
The fellows came from diverse fields: 9 in law, 12 in economics, 3 in IT, 2 in political science, and 1 each in engineering, social science, and medicine.
The workshop introduced the DataThon concept, event history, goals, methodology, and expectations, along with a three-month work plan. Participants were then grouped and encouraged to collaborate on research topics for the DataThon.
You can find the agenda HERE
Below you can find photos from the workshop:
Presentation: Datathon 2024, Track Data – Open Budgets