Organizer: Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), promotor of Open Data Albania.
1. Civil Society Representatives;2. Journalists;
3. Members of the Open Data Youth Fellowship for Anti-Corruption.
This activity takes place within the framework of the “EU4 Rule of Law: Citizen Engagement for Public Integrity (CEPI) in the Western Balkans and Turkey” project. The Project is funded by the European Union.
Topics covered in the training:
♦ Overview of Corruption;♦ National Integrity System Assessment | Albania 2023 (NIS Report);
♦ Anti-Corruption Regulation and Instruments.
Practical aspects of monitoring through data were also addressed, specifically:
♦ Open Spending Data – Evidence on every Treasury Transactions from Budgetary Institutions;♦ Open Corporates Albania – Data and documentation over Public Contractors, as well as on companies operating in high-risk sectors;
♦ Open Procurement Albania and the Red Flag Algorithm – Procurement Passports containing full information on tenders in the Local Government, Infrastructure, Healthcare, etc. Databases that provide easy access to data related to bidding and the Red Flag algorithm. Implementation of the open contracting standard;
♦ Money and Power, Asset Declaration – Asset declaration of high-ranking officials, elected or appointed, conflict of interest issues;
♦ Register of Magistrates – Public Control and Integrity.
Below you can find photos and videos from the Training:
Agenda: Download here.
List of participation: Download here.
Presentation: Anti-Corruption, The Sectoral Approach
Presentation: Open Spending Data – Evidence for each Treasury Transaction payment
Presentation: Open Corporates Albania – Data and Documentation on Publicly Contracted Companies
Presentation: Open Procurement Albania and the Red Flag Algorithm
Presentation: Money and Power, Asset Declaration – Asset declaration of High-Ranking Officials