The Albanian Institute of Science hosts journalists in its premises every other week, during which they report and use our data to conduct Investigative Articles.

Most journalists use information related to Tenders and Red Flag Assessment in tenders.

These Info sessions are preceded by announcements on social network and a WhatsApp communication group. Their result is related to the distribution of the information contained in the Databases [Open Contracting Albania Project – Impact on the Media – Albanian Institute of Science (ais.al project-impact-on-the-media/ ], preparation of media articles and television stories.

There is a desk in our organization premises, which is known as the Journalists’ Desk. Every week, journalists visit us so they can get instructions on how to use the database, how to apply the search filters, search for more data, and familiarize themselves with the risk-assessment data dashboards.

Younger journalists and students from the Journalism Department, University of Tirana, attend info-sessions even more frequently, because they need to be introduced to our databases.

We often receive in our office even journalists who do not live and work in Tirana, but in other cities. They need data for certain local municipalities.

Please find attached the List of Participants in the Info-session.

Info-sessions help us check on the results of our work, as well as promote open data and fact-checking journalism.

Info-sessions do not follow a fixed curriculum. They are rather guided by the journalists’ need for evidence, data, and instruments that enable transparency in tenders.

Almost every media outlet in the country has at least once made a media report based on the information present in our Public Procurement Database. (see List of Media Titles, Articles quoted in the Media). 

Having access to well-structured, fast, complete and transparent information over public Procurement, spending and public contracting, journalists build stories/reports based on data or are able to do fact checking.

This type of quality journalism demolishes propaganda, produces indisputable investigation pieces and sheds light on cases of conflict of interest, abuse of office or irregularities.

Please find attached the List of Participants in the Info-session.