The Prime Minister has proposed an Anti-Corruption Reform introducing the use of Artificial Intelligence in Public Procurement.

The Parliamentary opposition, represented by Jorida Tabaku, MP and Chairwoman of the Incinerator Investigative Committee, suggested that the Government should, instead, use the platform Open Procurement Albania, a technological tool created by the organization AIS, aiming to identify corruption cases in tendering. The MP Tabaku shared her statement in an interview with Balkan Insight in an article exploring the potential of AI in procurement.

The Open Data platform for Public Procurement creates a passport for each tender, based on the Open Contracting standard, along with detecting procedures exposed to risk of corruption. Around 40% of tenders processed by the algorithm have been identified as risky and marked with a RedFlag. The platform was created in 2016.

In the last 12 months, SPAK (Special Prosecution Office) has investigated 8 mayors and numerous public officials for the criminal offense of “inequality in tenders”. Notably, all these investigations align with the procurement procedures marked with RedFlag, which have been previously published in Mass Media investigations. The opposition has exposed corrupt tenders, identified by the AIS organization’s platform in Parliament. However, during 2024, the Platform for Transparent Procurement faced difficulties in securing funding to continue its operations as a high-tech tool for identifying potential corruption cases.

You can find the analysis from Balkan Insight at the link: Using AI in Albanian Public Procurements ‘No Easy Solution’ for Corruption