In 2006 finished the Studies and Projections made for the three parts of the road: Rrëshen-Rreps, Rreps-Thirre and Thirre-Kalimash; which costs round 421 million All, and this way began the road construction by financing round 1.3 billion All.
In the following years, the levels of financing were very high, reaching their peak in the years 2008 and 2009, the year in which the road partially started to be used.
However, the estimated cost exceeded due to the construction of the tunnel, and for that reason in 2010 it was again financed at the level of 11 billion All. In the period of 2008-2009, this project represents major budget item in the “National road Program” and the most important component, which explained the highest level of total capital expenditures. The following chart gives a clearer picture of high financing levels absorbed by this project.
In the chart below is shown the ratio of this project versus other motorway constructions. In 2008 round 61.4% of the total budget for the national road constructions and round 40% of total budget investments were used for this purpose; while in 2009 these figures changed respectively at the level of 57.6% and 33.6%.
During its financing, only the segment of the road “Durres-Kukes” absorbed nearly 50% of total capital expenditures, forecasted for all national road constructions. This emphasizes the idea that this was a huge project to be financed from the State Budget.