Of the most important parameters for measuring the efficiency of the consumption of electricity is the level of losses. For many years this has been one of the biggest concerns of the energy sector and it appears that it is still very present. Total losses include Losses in the Distribution System, Losses in the Transmition System, and Non-technical Losses which refer to the electricity taken via illegal connections.

Data for years 2002-2009: 2009 ERE Report
Data for year 2010: Energy Report by INSTAT
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania

The graph shows that the situation is very problematic. Until 2006, an average of 40% of all electricity has been lost and not even billed. The situation is slightly improved after 2007, although the measures proposed in the Sectoral Strategy of Energy 2006-2020 have not been implemented completely and have not yielded the expeceted results.

In 2009, losses made up 35% of all electricity entered into the grid, and increased compared to the previous year. The low efficiency in the use of electricity was a consequence of the bad management by OST of the distribution sector, and the privatization of OST has not shown yet signs of meaningful improvements of the energy indicators.

Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Year 2010 reflects improvement in the level of losses. Losses reached 32% and the main driver is the distribution system with 88.2% of the losses, which is long way from the acceptable parameters.

All the information is shown in the table below:

Data for years 2002-2009: 2009 ERE Report
Data for year 2010: Energy Report by INSTAT
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania


In calculating the percentage of losses, Total Losses are compared to the Energy entered into the grid. Energy entered into the grid is found as the total of the categories in the Energy Report published by INSTAT: Energy used by consumers and Losses.