PM10 and LNP are two of the most important indicators of the quality of air. They express the level of the solid particles in the air. PM10 (Particulate Matter) is a mixture of liquid and solid particles that stay in the air, with a diameter smaller than 10 micrometers. The main source is the gas released by the automobiles, especially the ones with diesel engines.

This is considered by the World Health Organization as the number one health hazard for the urban areas, since these particles penetrate the lower part of the lungs. In all cities of Albania, the level of PM-10 is above the allowed levels for the country (60 μg/m3) and above the EU level (50 μg/m3). The situation is more critical in the big cities like Tiranë, Durrës, Fier e Vlorë.

Source: Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration
Comments and Analysis: Opern Data Albania (ODA)

The most improvement seems to have been made in Tirana. In 2005, the level of PM10-s was 172 μg/m3, about 3.4 times higher than the European norm, marking also the highest level for the country. After 2005, the level of PM10-s has decreased and in 2008 it was 60% lower than in 2007. The reports of the Ministry of Environment show that improvement was made also in 2009, nevertheless the presence of this pollutant in the air continues to remain above the allowed levels. The most problematic area is 21 Dhjetori, about 5 times higher than the European norm.

Source: Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration
Comments and Analysis: Opern Data Albania (ODA)

These high levels of PM10-s are a consequence of the heavy traffic and its inefficient management, the poor quality of the fuel, old age of the cars, but also the ever increasing number of automobiles.
LNP (Floating Solid Particles) is an indicator which expresses the presence of dust particles in the air. Its main source is the heavy construction and also the poor quality of the roads. The situation appears critical here as well. Until 2007, Tirana was more polluted than the rest of Albania, comparable only to Elbasan until 2005. In 2008, Tirana appears with a lower level of LNP (as well as PM10). Despite the statistics, the Institute of Public Health maintains that these reports of increases or decreases are not very credible, which shows a very low attention towards the health hazards (page 8). In other words the improvements are not the result of a successful policy of control, and further improvement in the future is not necessarily to be expected.

Source: Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration
Comments and Analysis: Opern Data Albania (ODA)

Even the monitored results of year 2009 show that the annual average of LNP is about 2.5-3 times higher around 21 Dhjetori, and also in Dures, Fier and Shkodër.

We can conclude by stating that the quantity of solid pollutants is one of the biggest problems related to air quality in all cities and the lack of mid-term and long-term planning for measures aimed at improving the level of pollutants makes the situation even more allarming.

Tirana is one of the most polluted cities of the country. In all surveyed areas from the Institute of Public Health (2008 Report): Central Polyclinic, Institute of Public Health, Department of Public Health, Ex-Bloc area, 21 Dhjetori and IHM, the level of PM10 and LNP is about 2-7 times above the Europian norm.

At the same time, higher levels result in Vlorë, Korcë, Shkodër, Fier and Durrës.

Since on average Albania has levels 2-2.5 higher than the European countries, the World Health Organization has classified Albania in the danger zone of health hazards because of air pollution. According to its studies, such level of pollution will shorten the average life span by about 1-2 years, and cause up to 1400 cases of cancer every year.

All the information is shown in the following tables:

Source: Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration
Comments and Analysis: Opern Data Albania (ODA)

Source: Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration
Comments and Analysis: Opern Data Albania (ODA)