Open Data Albania has conducted a research on Albania’s trade balance in 2010. The report is based on the data from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy (MoE) and Institute of Statistics INSTAT.

The trade balance measures the difference between exports and imports value for an economy. Exports represent the value of all goods / services sold / committed abroad, while imports represent the value of all goods / services purchased / executed by other countries.

Balance of Trade = Exports-Imports

Albania imports mainly from countries of the European continent (84% of total imports). During 2010, Albania has imported mainly from Italy (28% of total imports), Greece (13% of total imports) and Germany (6% of total imports). After the European continent, Albania imports from Asia (12%), United States of America (3%) and Africa (1%). In Asia, there is a growing share of imports from China, where total imports was 8.9 billion Albanian lek, or 2% of total imports.

Graphically, imports by country of origin appear on the graph below:

Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energetic, Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
Comments and analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA)

In the context of imports, the main partner is the European continent. Graphically, the main imports for 2010 with European countries are presented:

Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energetic, Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
Comments and analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA)

In the context of exports, again leading partner remains the European continent (91% of total exports). During 2010, Albania has exported mainly to Italy (51% of exports), Kosovo (6.2%% of exports) and Turkey (6%% of exports).

Graphically export by country is presented below:

Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energetic, Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
Comments and analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA)

Based on the data shows, Italy remains Albania’s main trading partner. It is necessary for Albania to focus and specialize in products and services where there is a competitive advantage over other countries. The growth of exports, not only increases the revenues of a country, but helps in giving a great development in all other areas of the economy.

Distribution of import / export by regions (continents) for 2010 is presented graphically:

Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energetic, Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
Comments and analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA)

Electronic tables below represent the full data of imports / exports (in million All and in %) for Albania for the period 2009-2010.

Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energetic, Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
Comments and analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA)

Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energetic, Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
Comments and analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA)