ODA.The performance of International Migrant Stock, in absolute value and percentage of population in the Republic of Albania
Source: World Bank
Processing and Analysis:ODA
IN Albania’s case, the index’s largest absolute value is the year 2010, and the year with the smallest one, is the 1965. If we consider it as coeficent of persentage by the population, the highest coeficent is for the the year 2010, and the lowest one is for the year1990.
Source: World Bank
Processing and Analysis:ODA
The value of this indicator in our country is approximately equal to the average of the world. While,the other region countries have greater dynamics.The country with the highest level of Migration State is Greece, while Bosnia Herzegovina has the lowest value of this indicator in the region.
International Migrant Stock in absolute value and percentage of population
Source: World Bank
Processing and Analysis:ODA
Contributed by: Olta Begu