Open Data Albania has analyzed Albania’s trade balance of electricity during the years 2007-2012. The report is based on data published from ERE (Albanian Energy Regulator) and INSTAT (Albanian Institute of Statistics).

Imports represent the monetary value of all goods/services purchased/carried out from the other countries.

Exports represent the monetary value of all goods/services sold/committed abroad.

When the electricity produced doesn’t fulfill all the country’s needs, than the institutions have to import the energy. Also it is market practice to exchange energy in case the amount produced is different from the country’s needs, since energy can’t be stored.

Usually Albania imports during periods of drought (months of June-September), and exports during the rainy months (October – March).

The amount (in GWh) and value (in thousand Euros, according to ERE) of electricity imported during the years 2007-2011:

Source: ERE
Analysis and comments: ODA

According to the data, the imports of electricity have been decreasing in value during the years 2007-2010, but have increased considerably in 2011.

The year 2011 represents the year with the highest amount of energy imported in amount and value, while 2008 is the year with the highest price of imports.

During the first half of 2012, the amount of energy imported according to INSTAT is 1,706.1 GWh.

The amount (in GWh) of electricity exported during the years 2007-2011:

Source: ERE
Analysis and comments: ODA

As can be seen from the table, the exports of electricity have been increasing during the years 2008-2010, and have decreased considerably in 2011.

During the first half of 2012, the amount of energy exported according to INSTAT is 297.8 GWh.

The year 2010 is the best year from an energetic trade balance point of view, (exports minus imports), the only within the last 6 years where exports were greater than imports.

Meanwhile 2011 is the worst of the last years, since the amount imported is very large, and the overall balance the most negative.

Graphically the electricity trade balance is presented below:

Source: ERE
Analysis and comments: ODA