Source: INSTAT
Analysis and comments: ODA
According to the table, the imports of grains has increased in 2011, and has decreased in 2012 (in quantity and value).
Source: INSTAT
Analysis and comments: ODA
As can be seen from the table, exports of grains have increased in 2011, and has decreased in 2012 (in quantity and value). Also it can be concluded that exports of grains are minuscule compared to imports (and the country needs). During the last years all exports of grains have been destined to Kosovo.
Regarding imports of grains, they are presented in a table format below (Value in tons):
Source: INSTAT
Analysis and comments: ODA
Imports of grains by country (in million lek)
Source: INSTAT
Analysis and comments: ODA
Grains are mostly imported from Russia (57%), followed by Serbia (10%), France (8%), Croatia (6%) and Italy (3%). Graphically:
Source: INSTAT
Analysis and comments: ODA