Albania already qualifies as a country of average income, which has brought as a result the decrease of the level of concessional of foreign loans. As a result, the terms of the agreements of the credit market in general have changed.
Foreign Debt has increased not only as a result of additional union debt, but also as a result of positive progress of disbursement for projects of foreign funding. This is a good indication of the improvement of management in the implementation of foreign projects, resulting in increased performance and cost reduction.
Open Data Albania has updated the data with those of 2012.The chart below shows foreign debt holders for the year 2012:
Resources: Ministry of Finance
Comments and Analysis: ODA
It appears that the main weight of foreign debt is the one taken from the World Bank with 14% (810 640 000; eight hundred ten million six hundred and forty thousand Euro) and the smallest fraction is taken from OPEC with only 2% (81 230 000 million Euro).
From one year to the other this ratio has changed and it can be seen more clearly in the following chart which provides values of foreign holders of debt in million Euro for the period 2008-2012:
Resources: Ministry of Finance
Comments and Analysis: ODA
Next chart shows the trend that has followed the holders of the debt ratio of foreign debt as percent change of a financial institution in relation to the preceding year:
Resources: Ministry of Finance
Comments and Analysis: ODA