The overall number of employees in this sector declined in a three year period. In 2011, the number stood at 89, 360 employees, while in 2013 there were 1650 less employees to a total of 87,710.
Source : Ministry of finance, Consolidated budget 2011-2013
Analysis and comments: ODA
Three institutions with the highest number of employees are : Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defence. The Ministry of Education has the highest number of employees (44.3%) of the total, because this number represents all teaching staff in a national level whereas the Ministry of Defence includes the number of police forces. The institution with the lowest number of employees is National Accounting Council with 6 members or 0.007% of the total. This number remained constant for a 3 year period.
Source : Ministry of finance, Consolidated budget 2011-2013
Analysis and comments: ODA
The number of employees for the year 2013 (in absolute value and percentage)
Source : Ministry of finance, Consolidated budget 2011-2013
Analysis and comments: ODA
In a comparative analysis of the data between 2012 and 2013 a shrink in the number of employees it is clearly evident at : Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection, Ministry of Public works and Transport, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Management and State Information Service.
Source : Ministry of finance, Consolidated budget 2011-2013
Analysis and comments: ODA
Decrease on the number of employees
Source : Ministry of finance, Consolidated budget 2011-2013
Analysis and comments: ODA
In the meantime, the following had an increase of the number of employees: Minisry of Finance, Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports and Ministry of Health. Other independent institutions such as The Supreme State Audit, The General Prosecution, Office of Administration of Judicial Budget and The Institute of Statistics had an increase in the number of employees from 2012 to 2013.
Source : Ministry of finance, Consolidated budget 2011-2013
Analysis and comments: ODA
Increase on the number of employees
Source : Ministry of finance, Consolidated budget 2011-2013
Analysis and comments: ODA
Contributed by: Pamela Qafoku