During the 2011 electoral campaign, the HRUP has spent 4,993,680 Leks. Total collected funds amount to 4,933,860 Leks and the balance sheet for the 2011 electoral campaign records a funds surplus equal to 180 Leks.
HRUP – Electoral Funds and Expenditures, 2011 Electoral Campaign.
Source: The Report of the HRUP?s Independent Auditor, and the balance sheet of the Collected and Spent Funds by the Republican Party in the Local Government Election Campaign, 8 April – 8 May 2011.
Comments and analysis: ODA
The structure of funds collected by the HRUP for the Electoral Campaign is fairly interesting. Thus, the HRUP has collected a total of 4,933,860 Leks for its electoral campaign. Out of the total, the subject’s revenues from Public Funding in conformity with Article 87 of the Electoral Code amount to 232,140 Leks. The party has drawn on its own funds for covering the electoral campaign expenditures to a considerable extent ? 95.35% of its total campaign funds. In addition, HRUP is the only parliamentary political party that has not benefited any funding from private contributions.
HRUP ? Electoral Funds, Electoral Campaign.
Source: The Report of the HRUP?s Independent Auditor, and the
balance sheet of the Collected and Spent Funds by the Republican Party
in the Local Government Election Campaign, 8 April – 8 May 2011.
Comments and analysis: ODA
Source: The Report of the HRUP?s Independent Auditor, and the
balance sheet of the Collected and Spent Funds by the Republican Party
in the Local Government Election Campaign, 8 April – 8 May 2011.
Comments and analysis: ODA