The Democratic Party of Albania is one of the parliamentary political parties competing in the 2011 Local Government Elections. DP has submitted for auditing comprehensive balance sheets of its collected and spent funds after the completion of the election process. The electoral finances of this political party consist in public and non-public funds and also in the electoral subject?s own funds.

During the 2011 electoral campaign, DP has spent 182.504,749 Leks. Total collected funds amount to 183,284,052 Leks, and the balance sheet for the 2011 electoral campaign records a surplus of funds amounting to 779,303 Leks or 0.43 % of the total funds benefited.

DP ? Electoral Funds and Expenses, 2011 Electoral Campaign

Source: The Report of the Independent Auditor and the Balance Sheet of the Collected and Spent Funds in the Local Government Election Campaign, 8 April – 8 May 2011..
Comments and Analysis: ODA

The Structure of funds benefited by the Democratic Party for the electoral campaign is fairly wide. Thus, the DP has collected for its electoral campaign a total amount of 183,284,052 Leks. Out of the total, the subject’s revenues from Public Funding in conformity with Article 87 of the Electoral Code amount to 30,991,997 Leks. In addition, the SP has collected 51,761,465 Leks through private donations. The party has drawn on its own funds for covering the electoral campaign expenditures to a considerable extent, for a total amount of 100,530,590 Leks.

DP ? Electoral Funds, 8 April 2011 – 8 May 2011 Electoral Campaign

Source: The Report of the Independent Auditor and the Balance Sheet
of the Collected and Spent Funds in the Local Government Election
Campaign, 8 April – 8 May 2011..
Comments and Analysis: ODA

Source: The Report of the Independent Auditor and the Balance Sheet
of the Collected and Spent Funds in the Local Government Election
Campaign, 8 April – 8 May 2011..
Comments and Analysis: ODA

It is very interesting to notice that the donations benefited by the DP in the 2011 electoral campaign came from donors with contributions for less than 100,000 Leks, amounting to 50,951,590 Leks in total. In addition, the DP is the only party that has benefited services and goods from donors (donations in kind) for a total amount of 809,875 Leks.

Structure of DP Donations, 2011 Electoral Campaign

Source: The Report of the Independent Auditor and the Balance Sheet
of the Collected and Spent Funds in the Local Government Election
Campaign, 8 April – 8 May 2011..
Comments and Analysis: ODA

Since the DP has not benefited donations from donors with contributions for amounts higher than 100,000 Leks, it faces no legal obligation in conformity with the Electoral Code for publishing its list of donors.

Contributed by: Olta Begu