Referring to these data, during the 2009 electoral campaign the electoral subjects have benefited total funding amounting to 336,040,695 Leks, whereas in the 2011 electoral campaign they have benefited a total of 337,856,558 Leks. So, the 2011 electoral campaign funds are higher than those of the 2009 campaign, and the difference between the two amounts to 1,815,863 Leks.
Source: The Auditing Reports of Political Parties, 2009 Electoral Campaign, 2011 Electoral Campaign
Elaboration and Analysis: ODA
There is a different situation in terms of expenses, for the expenses in the 2009 electoral campaign are higher by 2,081,549 Leks compared to the ones in the 2011 campaign. In the 2009 parliamentary elections, the electoral subjects have declared higher debits by accumulating higher uncovered expenses.
Source: The Auditing Reports of Political Parties, 2009 Electoral Campaign, 2011 Electoral Campaign
Elaboration and Analysis: ODA
The Donations are a fundamental category of the electoral subjects? Funds. The donations consist in non-public funds donated to electoral subjects. The donations consist of ?sums of money? and of ?services and goods (donations in kind)?. In the 2009 electoral campaign, the electoral subjects have collected 109,702,863 Leks in donations, whereas in 2011 they collected a total of 69,808,415 Leks. The 2009 electoral campaign was marked by higher donations. There is a sizeable difference between the 2009 and 2011 campaigns? donations with those of the 2009 electoral campaign being 39,894,448 Leks higher than the 2011?s.
Source: The Auditing Reports of Political Parties, 2009 Electoral Campaign, 2011 Electoral Campaign
Elaboration and Analysis: ODA
Contributed by: R.E