One of the types of measures that SSA has the right to propose at the end of the audition process which, among other, aims the recovery of damages caused to the State Budget, is the economic compensation. Open Data Albania has taken into consideration the level of economic damage restitution, as determined by SSA for the years 2008-2012, by the entities found responsible during the audition processes.


Source: Supreme State Audit                                             
Processing and comments: ODA

Despite the SSA’s work in identifying the economic damage caused by the administration of funds and its improvement, especially in the last two years, the level of the recommended damage collection from this institution is one of the most concerning in the recent years. Since 2008, it has been steadily declining, to achieve the minimum value in 2012. The performance of this indicator is presented in the following graph:

Source : Supreme State Audit
Processing and comments: ODA

The downward trend of this indicator is strongly related to the companies and institutions that have caused the economic damage. Thus, companies like Albpetrol and TSO (Transmission System Operator), which together were found to cause a damage of 5.8 billion ALL in 2011, are simultaneously responsible for the low level of economic damage collection. The same situation is present in 2012, where about 68 % of the damage belongs to Albpetrol and its non collection contributes significantly to the low level of the indicator.

This level is also affected by the non collection of the total damage of AEC (Albanian Energy Corporation) and the reduced recovery to only 30 % of the damages found by the concessionary relationships in the Ministry of Energy, Trade and Economy. However, it should be mentioned that in the 2012?s report of the SSA (page 25) the damage caused by Albpetrol is described as “in the collection process”, the successful completion of which will significantly improve the collection index of the economic damage.

What can be stated at the end of this analysis, taking into account the indicators of the implementation of organizational, disciplinary and administrative measures, is that the capacity, the persistence and the authority of SSA in the implementation of its recommendations should be increased, as only this way, the evidenced damages will be reflected in a increased responsibility of the use of public funds.

  1. The data on the recommended measures and their implementation for the years 2008-2012 were obtained from the SSA Annual Report for each respective year