‘Fryma e Re Demokratike’ Party is one of the electoral subjects
registered for participation in the Assembly elections held on June 23,
2013. Although it is not a parliamentary party, ‘Fryma e Re Demokratike’
Party has managed to secure as the support for its electoral
activities, a fund of about four million ALL. According to accounting
registrations, the party spent the same amount as the funds collected.

Source: http://www.cec.org.al/images/stories/zgjedhje-per-kuvend/2013/rap_audit/FRD.pdf
Comments and analysis : ODA

?Fryma e Re Demokratike? Party has benefited from private donors for the campaign 4.2 million ALL. This represents 99.88% of the total funds. The party has activated its own funds to cover the costs of the campaign in a very small quote of 0.12%, in the amount of 5,000 ALL.

Source: http://www.cec.org.al/images/stories/zgjedhje-per-kuvend/2013/rap_audit/FRD.pdf
Comments and analysis : ODA

All donors of this election subject, are donors for smaller amounts than 100 000, meaning donors for whom the party has the obligation for publication.

Contributed by: Olta Begu