Open Data Albania is exploring on the number of contributors to the social security scheme in the years 2006-2013. Social security scheme is compulsory for all employed individuals, but other individuals can also be part of it through voluntary insurance scheme. The average number of contributors per year has had its fluctuations from 2006 to 2013, mostly influenced by the ups and downs in the number of self-employed in agriculture. The year 2008 marked the highest number of contributors with 739,773 contributors, while year 2012 marked the lowest number of contributors with only 651,614 contributors. At the same time, the year 2008 is the year with the highest annual growth of contributors with about 9%, whereas 2012 is the year with the most highlighted down trend of annual growth of contributors to about minus 11.4%.

Source: Social Insurance Institute
Comments and analysis: ODA

In the social security scheme the highest average number of contributors per year is the one of contributors in urban areas, with the exception of 2007 where contributors in rural areas were higher in number. During the years 2006-2013 the average number of urban contributors represents about 63% of the total contributors, while the remaining 37% belongs to the rural share of contributors.

The number of urban contributors marked its lowest value in 2007 with only 423,647 contributors. On the other hand, the highest number of rural contributors was recorded in 2007, with 437,414 contributors and the lowest number of rural contributors was recorded in 2012, with only 168,513 contributors.

Source: Social Insurance Institute
Comments and analysis: ODA

Subjects who make declarations about the social security scheme are public entities; private subjects the self-employed; self-employed in agriculture and subjects insured voluntarily.

The number of contributors from public entities has been declining over the years, with the exception of 2011 where there was a slight increase in the number of contributors to this sector. This suggests a reduction in the number of employees in the public sector. During the years 2006-2013, the number of contributors from the public sector has constituted an average of 23% of total contributors.

Source: Social Insurance Institute
Comments and analysis: ODA

The number of these contributors from private subjects has been growing year after year. But despite the growth, contributors from private subjects constitute over the years an average of 23% of total contributors, just as much as the public sector contributors.

Source: Social Insurance Institute
Comments and analysis: ODA

Number of self-employed contributors has increased from 2006 to 2008, while in 2009 there was a decline of about 15.5% of this number. Later, from 2010 to 2013 the number of self-employed contributors has increased continuously. Over the years taken into consideration the number of self-employed contributors has constituted an average of 10% of total contributors.

Source: Social Insurance Institute
Comments and analysis: ODA

Number of self-employed in agriculture has continued fluctuations over the years. In some years this number is high, due to the forgiveness of overdue payments and the opportunities for buying periods since 1994. Over the years the number of participants considered self-employed in agriculture has constituted an average of 36% of total contributors.

Source: Social Insurance Institute
Comments and analysis: ODA

Part of the scheme may become also unemployed individuals through voluntary insurance. The number of volunteer contributors appears low, with constant fluctuations over the years. The highest number of volunteer contributors was reached in 2009 with 8,784 contributors. During these years the number of volunteer contributors constituted an average of 1% of total contributors, suggesting a lack of motivation and confidence by the individuals for entering in the social insurance scheme.

Source: Social Insurance Institute
Comments and analysis: ODA

Part of the social security scheme are also contributions from the state budget including soldiers; unemployed who receive unemployment benefits; people who receive temporary payments; military and police in reforms; workers of the underground; military industry employees and retired women for the reporting year. The number of contributors to this category has had constant ups and downs over the years, accounting for an average of 4.5% of total contributors.

Source: Social Insurance Institute
Comments and analysis: ODA

Part of this scheme are also contributions of short-term benefits as temporary disability on the 14th day; maternity and disability from accidents at work. Number of contributors with short-term benefit has undergone fluctuations during 2006-2009 and after 2009 shows a downward trend. Contributors of short term profits, over the years, have constituted an average of 2.5% of total contributors.

Source: Social Insurance Institute
Comments and analysis: ODA

For 2013, the average number of contributors was 702,086, of whom 496,895 were urban contributors and 205,191 were rural contributor. In the structure of the contributing subjects for 2013, the largest share is occupied by the contributors of private firms and the self-employed in agriculture, each of which occupies about 29% of the total number of contributors. Shortly after are listed contributors from public entities which occupy about 23% of the total.

The rest is occupied by self-employed contributors with about 11% of the total, contributors from the state budget accounting for about 5% of the total, short term profit contributors account for about 2% of the total listed and finally volunteer contributors accounted for only 1% of the total contributors for 2013.

Source: Social Insurance Institute
Comments and analysis: ODA

Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Contributed by: Ina Baja