In 2013, there were 106,429 active enterprises domestically-owned, 3,046 foreign-owned and 1,608 with shared ownership. In a report with percentages only 3% of companies operating in the country are under the ownership and thus mark foreign capital.
Source: National Register of Enterprises
Comments and analysis: ODA
Enterprises owned by businessmen of foreign citizenship in 2013
Source: National Register of Enterprises
Comments and analysis: ODA
In 2013 there are recorded 1,903 active companies owned from Italian citizens, 616 from Greek citizens, 336 from Turkish citizens and 230 from citizen of the Republic of Kosovo. Enterprises with owners from other continents this year were: 142 owned from American citizen owners and 75 from Chinese citizens.
Source: National Register of Enterprises
Comments and analysis: ODA
National Registry of Enterprises in its way of recording data of the subjects of economic activity is characterized by a defect that coincides with not reflecting the value of capital as a very important element in the context of economic activity. So although we have data for the number of enterprises in years we don?t have an estimation of the weight that these entities have according to the capital or annual turnover that they reflect.